Somebody has some mommy issues

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Rae POV:

No. No. No. This can not be happening to me. This has to be one of those insane daydreams that I've been having lately.

You know, the ones where I relive shit that's actually happened in my past? The ones that make my skin crawl?

But then again... Everything about my mother makes my skin crawl. Her face that looks nothing like mine, Her teeny tiny little body that looks nothing like mine, her hair that's short and always has every hair in place. She isn't a mother, she is a walking nightmare. She is the female freddy Crougar.

She was my mother.

"Whoring yourself out again, I see." My mother looks at Zane with distaste, "Well at least he's better looking than some of the others that you've slept around with."

"I never slept around."

My mother smiles down at me, and starts looking around my room, "Sure you haven't."

I look to Zane on the bed, and he looks confused, he mouths, "What's going on?", I just shake my head and look back to my mother who was still browsing the walls.

"I thought you were still in the hospital, mother."

Mom stops at a certain poster on my wall and looks to me, "I always did hate this poster." My mother tares down the poster of all time low and rips it to shreds right before my eyes. She throws it on the ground in front of her like it's nothing.

"Yeah, I remember." I mumble to myself.

"Who are you?" Zane asks from my bed.

No Zane, bad idea. VERY. BAD. IDEA.

"I'm her mother, delinquent boy, who are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend." Zane states boldly.

All of a sudden my heart starts racing, boyfriend? Oh my gosh!

And then I look back at mother... My heart starts racing for a different reason.. Nausea sets in.

My mother stops, puts her hands on her hips and looks point blank at me, "Well. You've never really been one for boyfriends! You had more of... 'Male friends' or, 'acquaintances' or... What's the word?" She taps her chin for a second before looking at me with daggers in her eyes, "'fuck buddies'."

I narrow my eyes at my mother, "I had a boyfriend for 6 months, I didn't sleep with him. He cheated on me. Do you not remember this?"

My mother smiles, she defenitly remembers. She probably loving that this is being brought up again, "I can't say I do... Though... I do remember Zacc. Didn't you sleep with him?" She smiles at me again.

"I never did anything with Zacc."

"That's not what I was told."

"Well as far as I remember, I didn't tell you what I did, did I?" I spit back nastily at her.

"You're right! I've had to hear of you whoring yourself out from other people." She spits at me.

"You don't know anything."

My mother gives me yet another dirty look, "Well at least for a while I had one reason to stay alive."

"You act like Lucas was a saint! He wasn't!"

My mother finally raises her voice, "Well he sure was a hell of a lot better than you!"

"Who's Lucas?" Zane meekly asks from the bed.

I guess you can say that Zane was in the wrong place at the wrong time... This was the wrong time to hear about how my brother...

"She didn't tell you what she did to her brother?" My mother walks over to my bed and stands beside Zane.

"I didn't do anything to Lucas."

"Sure you didn't."

"He did what he did to himself!"

"What did he do?" Zane asks, looking up at my mother.

"Well your prescious little girlfriend-" I grab a basketball and chuck it at my mother before she can finish her sentence.

She stumbles backwards from the blow, but looks at me with wide eyes, "HOW DARE YOU, YOUNG LADY?" She storms towards me.

"I stopped being your punching bag when I moved here! You have no right to be anywhere near me anymore!" I shout at her.

"I have every right to be here, I'm your mother!" She grabs me by the hair and pulls my face so close to hers that I can literally feel her breath as it comes out of her mouth, "And just for the record, I can do with you whatever the hell I want. I gave birth to you, I get to say what you do and don't do."

I sneer at my mother for a second before whispering back, "No you don't."

She gets a mad look on her face before she swings me by my hair into the wall closest to my door, "Spoiled bitch."

I scream up at her from the floor, "You chose to give up having me as a punching bag when you put the gun to your head and blamed it on me!"

Her face goes white, and she looks to Zane and then back to me, "I never did such a thing."



I get up and press my chest up against hers in a threatening manor, "What, don't want to get upset because you just got out of a mental hospital?" I scream in her face.

My mother goes to push me, but I'm yanked out of the way by a pair of strong arms.

I look back at Zane who was holding me with my arms behind my back, his face was something that I never intended... Calm.

If I were him, I would have been freaking out.

Zane places me on my bed, and walks over to my mother, "It's time for you to leave." he grabs her by the arm and yanks her to my door.

She rips her arm from his grasp with a vile look, "How dare you tell me what to do! You're a child! I'll do what I damn please!"

Zane stops for a second, "I'm 19 years old and I just saw you shove a minor head first into a wall. You just hit a minor." My mother's mouth forms a big "O" shape, and she walks towards my door, "Good job Rae, now that you're finished with the high school boys, go for the college ones." She opens my door and shuts it with a loud boom.

Zane looks over at me for a second before warily saying, "Your mother seems nice."

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