Crash and Burn.

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I jumped out of Zane's truck and sped into my house, slamming the door behind me.

I'm not saying that I was expecting him to follow me, but I wasn't surprised when the door opened right behind me, "Will you stop walking away from me, Rae?"

I turn towards him, "I got the shit kicked out of me because you said that you liked me! I got suspended because I didn't back down from a fight that I was fighting for YOU!"

Zane shakes his head and takes a step forward, "You don't get it, I don't like Alexandria."

I let out a loud laugh and roll my eyes, "Here, let me use a famous line of yours: 'Sure you don't, sweetheart.'" I roll my eyes at him and start to walk away.

"She was a wonderful memory, but that's all she is. A memory. I like you, not her."

I turn back towards him, "Then why get all emotional when she gets brought up?"

"I didn't get emotional," I roll my eyes, "It's not what you think! Would you stop jumping to conclusions."

"Okay, explain it to me then." I raise an eyebrow as I wait for his response.

I can't wait to hear this, I anticipate it being good.

He looks down at the ground, "I'm not emotional over Alexandria... I guess I'm just emotional about how my so called 'Love story' ended so badly so early in life."

I throw my hands up in the air, "Well fuck! You should have fought for her if you wanted her so bad! You shouldn't have let her fuck all those random guys!"

Zane takes a step towards me, "You don't know what the hell you're talking about, Rae."

"But don't I?"

"No Rae," His beautiful green eyes turn dark, "You don't.

"Well please enlighten me." Sarcasm seems to be lacing every word that I spew as I talk to Zane.

"Well as usual, my brother ruins everything--"

I cut him off because I'm so done with hearing about Nash. It's killing me having to hear his name so much in one day, "If you're so god damn tired of your brother dicking you around, why don't you just tell somebody?!" I scream in his face.

"I told you why I can't do that!" He shouts back at me.

I raise my voice, "You didn't tell me shit!"

Zane's eyes bore into mine as he lowers his voice to a deadly level, "I have a secret."


I lie back on my bed and smile to myself, "You spin my head right round right round, when you go down when you go dowwwnnn dowwnnn." I sing drunkly, and out of key.

All of a sudden Nash appears in my room, "Are you fucking kidding me?" He spits.

He picks up the empty bottle of vodka off of the floor by my bed and lets out a long groan, "For being so small, you sure can take in a lot of alcohol."

"I'm taller than you are, Nashley." I drunkly slur at him.

Nash throws the bottle at the door and spins to look at me with daggers in his eyes, "Stop calling me that!"

I drunkly laugh, "Whatever you say, Nashey-boo."

He mutters some words before he walks into the closet.

"Are you mad at me, Brother?"

Nash walks out of the closet with a death glare, I'm not mad at you, I just hate you is all.

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