Downward Spiral

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Watching somebody while they sleep is probably one of the creepiest things i've ever heard of. Yet, I sit here and study Zane's face while he's passed out next to me on the couch.

First, I study his hair. A bit too shaggy, probably needs a cut, but doesn't look bad at all. In fact, it kind of adds to his boyish charm.

I move onto his eyes, sealed shut, but on the tips of his eyelids there are thick blonde lashes that any girl would kill for. I mean, damn, I'd kill for them.

I move onto his lips... His beautiful, perfect, lips.

Picturing him as anything but the bad boy is hard when he's awake, but when he's asleep? That's a whole different story.

"Are you watching me, you creep?" Zane's eyelids stay closed, but a smirk forms his lips as he talks to me.


One eyelid pops open, and the other stays closed, "You know, that's a sign of some serious mental instability... I hope you don't start stalking me."

I roll my eyes and get up off of the couch, "As well as being good looking, you're also modest."

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him before I can go anywhere, "I know, I'm so great." He whispers into my hair.

I lean my head back onto the crook of his neck, and relax myself into his grasp.

He takes in a deep breath, "Mmmmmmm."

"Did you just smell me?" I laugh.

He nods his head, "Yep."

"Wow, Zane. Who's the gonna-be stalker now?"

I feel his body shake with laughter, "I'm okay with you knowing my future profession."

I roll my eyes and detach myself from his body, "You're such a creep."

He puts his hands behind his head and smiles a boyish smile, "You love me for it, Babe."


Zane POV:

Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. I don't want to go home. I don't want to see Nash. I don't want to see Mom. I wouldn't mind seeing Dad, but knowing that I have to deal with two of the biggest assholes on the planet makes seeing Dad not so great.

I walk into my room and immediatly spot Nash on his bed, "Where have you been all week?"

I smile a smug smirk, "At my girlfriend's house."

Nash sits up on the bed, "You and Alexandria got back together?"

"Nah man, I got a new girlfriend."

Nash raises an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

I sit down on my bed and cross my arms, "Yep."

"So you're finally giving up on Rae?"

I don't wipe the smug smirk off of my face as I shake my head, "You don't understand, do you?"

He pushes himself into a sitting position as he looks at me, "What do you mean?"

I raise an eyebrow at him with my smug smile still in place, all of a sudden he does something unexpected... He smiles.

"I'm happy for you, brother."

The smirk drops from my face and I can feel my jaw drop, "What?"

Nash gets up from his place on the bed, "If you'll excuse me."

What the hell just happened?


The door opens and I turn to see who's walking through the door.

What. The. Fuck. "What. The. Fuck?" I voice my thoughts.

Standing in the doorway was a very happy Nash and a very happy Alexandria, both hand in hand smiling at each other.

It was at this time exactly that I knew that my life's downward spiral was going to be soon coming to a close.


So there's only a couple more chapters left.

Something really big is about to happen, and I'm so sorry for it.

Just know this through the next few chapters: It hurts me just as much as it hurts you.

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