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So today I had to work a double shift at the restaurant to  get extra money for my little sister's school trip. Well since our parents don't care about us we need to make it on our own . I have to take 2 part-time jobs at the near a mall by our home. Wait I need to introduce myself 

Hi I am Lara Songbird

19 years old



And chatter box

(A/n I must have thought I did something with this writing style lol)


I looked at my watch and released my shift was over and I was going to miss the bus so I hurried to the locker room and changed into my casual wear. Raced to the bus stop only to miss the bus. Great now I have to walk 9 blocks back home at 9 pm I hope my little sister Layla is okay she must be scared out of her mind I never left work this late. well let's get to walking

On my walk I passed a bakery, a club, a matters store and a 711 then I walked past an ally way when I suddenly heard a loud cry of pain. It sounded like a young girl. Without a thought, I ran in the ally way following the sounds of kicks and screams when I turned the corner I was meet with the sight of a man beating up a girl around my age. she had long blond hair a slim body and was wearing a short dusty rose dress that was now covered in her blood. this made me feel sick

"STOP, STOP, STOP" I screamed looking at the young girl in pain. He stopped and turned around.

He had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, his eyes looked like an ocean with a bottomless pool of water. His facial structure was of a front page model, his jawline is very sharp and his face was one you would not forget even if you tried but now I don't care about him I care about the girl on the floor almost bleeding out.

"Leave this does not concern you," he said . his voice would have anyone fall at their knees but not me   

"Stop. Whatever she did I am sure she did not mean it" I said trying to calm him down so he does not beat her up again

But he kicked her in the ribs once again, my tolerance is running tin 

"She meant it so leave before you join her"

I did not give up "what did she do," I asked 

He chuckled "Your curiosity will get you killed little one, so, leave before you find your self in deep trouble"

He turned back to her again but I still won't give up and let her die

"She does not deserve that, your mother won't be happy to see you do this" I try averting his attention to me so she could at least gain some energy to run.

"I told you to leave but you won't so you brought this on your self," he said, his face showing clear anger   

Well that's the end of this chapter until next time

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