Herrmann's Daughter

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"You should just go ask her, she'll probably say yes". Joe pushed Peter towards you as you talked to your dad.

"I want to ask Herrmann first, you know out of respect". Peter shook his head and walked back. In the corner of your eye you could see Peter fidgeting around, walking back and forth talking to Joe and Otis. He was super cute and sweet. You have had a crush on him since you saw him at the station when you brought a surprise lunch for the guys.

"Well they're both over there so kill to birds with one stone". Joe snickered as Peter looked at him.

"There will be no killing all I want to do is ask her out, it shouldn't be this hard". He dragged his hand down his face wiping the sweat away with a groan.

"Dad I'll be right back" You excused yourself and went to get a drink. The one day you decide to have a cookout has to be the hottest day of the year.

Getting two cool beers you walked over to where Peter was. He must have saw you coming cause he stood up fast, fixed his shirt, made sure he didn't have anything on his face and he smelt his breath.

"You look like you can use this". You said handing him the beer. He almost dropped it from nerves but quickly caught it.

"Um thanks". Peter took a sip with a smile.

"No problem, are you enjoying yourselves"? You asked Joe, Peter and Otis.

"Yeah, it's just so hot but we're good". Otis replied looking at Peter who hasn't took his eyes off you since you came over.

"Peter would be better if you'd.....".
Joe started but was quickly shut down by Peter who shoved a fork full of food in his mouth.

"What"? You giggled at the two firemen.

"It's nothing, the heats gone to his head". Peter covered.

"If you want you can take him into the house and cool down"? You recommended.

"Thanks, I'll do that". Peter grabbed Joe by the forearm tightly, practically dragging him to the house.

"Dude, what was that"? Peter huffed, throwing his arms in the air dramatically.

"I was giving you a push because you seem to be stuck on faze one". Joe said sticking a chip in his mouth that was in a bowl on the counter.

"I need to talk to Herrmann first".

"What do you need to talk to me about"? Hermanns voice made Peter jump out of his skin and Joe laugh.

"Jesus". Peter shouted.  "I, Uh, nothing". He scrunched up his mouth his lower lip out.

"Oh for the love of god". Joe exclaimed.
"Peter wants to know if you would let him date Y/N, your daughter"?  Peter stood there wide eye, in shock and waiting for Herrmann to respond and how he would react.

"What are you intentions"? Herrmann asked with his arms crossed. Peter gulped.

"I wanted t-to um take her to a movie and to dinner".

"What movie"? Joes asked with a laugh. He was causing Peter so much pain right now.

"Whatever Y/N likes, she can pick what makes her happy".

"Are you going to treat her right"?

"Yes Sir, I wouldn't do anything unless she was comfortable, I promise to respect her and I want you to know that I really like her". I will protect her with my life and she will get home safely". Peter let out a shaky breath. Sweat dripping from his face he didn't know if it was from the heat or the pressure he was under at the moment.

Herrmann smiled. That's a good sign.

"You have my blessing, you're a good kid but if you do anything to hurt her, I know how to get rid of you where no one will ever find you". Herrmann warned Peter who was sweating bullets and Joe in the back ground laughing so hard that nothing was coming out except some wheezing.

"Yes s-sir". Peter stuttered out. Herrmann slapped Peter on the back as he went back out side to the cook out. Peter let out a breath he was holding in and sunk into the nearest chair.

"I'm going to be sick".


"Now that, that is done I'm nervous about asking Y/N out".

"You shouldn't be, I think you'll like my answer". Your surprised voice made Peter fall out of the chair, he quickly recovered.

"You Herrmann's seriously need a bell or something sneaking up on people like that". Peter chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry". You giggled. 

"Its okay". Peter bit his lip looking at you. Joe sitting in the corner looking between the two of you, rolling his eyes. 

"Would you like to go out with me"? Joe asked you mimicking Peters voice. 

"Sure, I would love too". Joe mimicked your voice this time. 

"See there, was that so hard"? Joe came over to Peter patting his back, Peter gave Joe a evil eye. Joe quickly left, laughing on his way.

"Friday night good with you"? You asked Peter. 

"Yeah that'd be great". His cheeks blushed as you kissed his cheek, taking his hand and going outside with the others.  

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