Part 32: Vet

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They arrived at the vet quickly and Yoongi helped Jimin get out of the car since it was somewhat high.

They held hands as they walked across the parking lot and into the building, with Jimin holding his head down and Yoongi giving anyone who looked at them funny the side eye.

They walked into the vet and made there way to the front desk where there was a bored looking teenager sat behind it.

Yoongi smiled and politely said "Hi, we're here to collect Min Holly. Under the name Park."

The girl sighed and leaned forward so she could actually use the computer and coldly asked "Dog type."

Yoongi decided to not call her out for her cold tone and just replied "Toy poodle."



The girl looked up with a unimpressed face asking "You named your MALE dog and FEMALE name?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stated "A names just a name, gender doesn't really mean anything when it's just a name for something not that I had to explain that."

The girl gave him a dirty look and mumbled something under her breath, then saying "I'll go get your mutt."

Yoongi polity but also fakely replying "Thank you." In response to her as she was leaving.

Jimin looked like he was about to cry because of the girl so Yoongi pulled Jimin to his side and whispered "Ignore her." Separating when she reappeared.

"Here it is. You know what's wrong. Put this in its food once a day and leave it to do whatever. I don't really care. It might be yippy but ignore it. That's it. It's been payed for. Here's the thing and here's the mutt now go." She said coldly, obviously not interested the whole time.

"Holly!" Jimin yelled when she brought the puppy around from the counter, the small dog immediately running into his arms.

Yoongi took the medication and said thank you even though she could've been nicer but he was trying not to get defensive since he didn't want to scare Jimin.

Instead he focused on the boy who was happily giggling on the floor as his pup covered his face with kisses.

Yoongi didn't want to ruin the moment but he noticed the girl behind the counter checking him out so said "Jiminie, Holly. Let's go home."

Jimin nodded and picked up Holly with one arm and extending his other for Yoongi.

Yoongi smirked at Jimin and Jimin's eyes widened as a blush spread across his face, realising he was the one to do it for once.

Jimin was about to pull away but Yoongi caught him before he could and then led them out of the store.

Subtly flipping off the girl behind the toll as he held the small paper medicine bag in his 'free' hand.

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