Part 80: I love you

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A few stitches, a badly bruised shoulder and knee and some ice later the three of them were back at the Park residence.

Jimin ended up busting his knee and cutting his hands and legs in the process of pushing Yoongi away because of the sheer force and the contact with the floor.

Yoongi on the other hand ended up needing stitches in the back of his head because of the pressure from hitting the floor and a badly bruised shoulder, the amount of blood gushing made the trio panic but luckily it only bled so much because the cut was on his head and not because of worse damage.

Either way it was better than what would have happened if that car had hit Yoongi straight on.

Obviously Mrs Park gave both of them a lecture in the car ride but by the time they got to the house she just want to protect and look after her two babies and make sure they'd be okay.

Yoongi and Jimin had yet to speak about the argument before hand but they never let go of each other.

Mrs Park was on the phone explaining to Yoongi's mum what had happened leaving the two for a moment of alone.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

Both went quiet again.

"You don't have to-"

"You don't have-"


"You go-"

"You go- hyungs first."

Yoongi nodded slightly, before whining slightly at the pain in his head.

He took Jimin's hand in his own and said "I'm sorry Jimin, I shouldn't have left the other day and I should've phoned you instead of waiting. It's been like hell with out you and i'm so sorry. I'm sorry that you had to put yourself in danger too to stop me from getting hurt." feeling guilty for all the trouble he caused.

Jimin also was feeling guilty.

He took a shaky breath as he shook his head, composing himself before saying "No hyung don't apologise. I should have never acted like that in the first place I was just being really sensitive. I should've phoned you instead of being scared and feeling sorry for myself thinking i'd lost you already so there was no point. And if I did then maybe I wouldn't have nearly lost you before because if i'd have phoned or didn't run away you wouldn't have c-chased after me and you w-wouldn't have gotten hurt. I-I'm so sorry Y-Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi used his good arm and pulled Jimin into a hug saying "it's not your fault. I was stupid, i'm sorry. Maybe we should've phone each other but I should have stopped at that road. That was all me and you shouldn't feel sorry for it. I'm sorry you got hurt saving me."

"I'm sorry you were in that position in the first place hyung, that's my fault-"

"No it wasn't Jiminie-"

"Yes it was!"

The room went quiet again as they both quietly cried in each others arms.

Yoongi broke the silence as he brokenly whispered "I love you Jimin." kissing the others head.

Jimin sat up with teary eyes, wiping away Yoongi's tears before gently cupping his face and whispering back "I love you too."

They both looked into the others eyes as Mrs Park stood unnoticed in the door way with Yoongi's phone to her ear.

"Yes Mrs Min, their okay now. I'll look after him for you until he gets better. Your welcome here any time. Have a nice day."

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