Part 48: YOONI

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Yoongi slowly opened his eyes to his name being called out and a weight being on top of him and tiredly called out a confused "Jiminie?"

Jimin cheered and bounced lightly as he shouted "Your awakes! Finally. Minnie been waitin for you to wakes up for ages. Minnie even thoughts that Yooni was awake but pwetending agains~"

Jimin giggled lightly as Yoongi reached up and ran his fingers through Jimin's hair and said "Not this time. Hyung was very sleepy."

Jimin's face formed a (• o •) shape before he apologised "I sowwy fo' wakin hyungie up."

Yoongi let out a small sigh as he trailed his hand down to Jimin's, holding it and then saying "It's fine as long as it's you."

Jimin's eyes formed crescents as he smiled down at his hyung who was smiling back sleepily and drawing circles on the back of the others hand.

Yoongi booped Jimin's nose causing the other to giggle before asking "So how little is Jiminie feeling today?"

Jimin blushed and mumbled "Vewy..." looking ashamed of it.

Yoongi ruffled Jimin's hair and said "It's understandable after yesterday... speaking of which did we even sing happy birthday to you?"

Jimin shook his head sadly but still said "Dun matterrr. It's just anoth-errr day..."

Yoongi shook his head and as if on queue Mrs Park came in singing "Happy birthday to you~"

Yoongi joined in as Jimin shot up so he was sat properly, looking between the two as they sung to him.

What Jimin didn't realise was that Yoongi and Mrs Park had arranged for the next day to be when they celebrated Jimin's birthday knowing very well that Jimin deserved a day where he could be comfortable and happy, not worrying about other people.

Mrs Park sat on the bed next to the boys and held up the tray with a small uncut cake on and let Jimin blow out the candles as they all cheered.

Jimin was a giggling mess and Yoongi and Mrs Park where both smiling happily because Jimin was happy which was the most important thing to them both.

Jimin clapped and shouted "Tank you~!" hugging his grandmothers side first and then hugging Yoongi who was still lay down and trapped under Jimin - not that he minded.

Mrs Park chuckled at the two before saying "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything when I came in." with a teasing tone causing Jimin to hide his face in Yoongi's bare chest as Yoongi chuckled saying "Nope."

Mrs Park raised a suspicious eyebrow at Yoongi saying 'really?' with the action getting a look back which said 'really' surprising the woman who continued to look skeptically at the pair as she started to ask questions.

"So Yoongi. May I ask where your shirt is?"

Jimin sat up realising and gasped throwing a blanket over Yoongi's exposed chest as Yoongi answered "On the floor near my shoes since Jimin didn't want me to leave last night after I came by and checked on him."

Jimin blushed more as he started to remember small parts of the night before, slowly piecing it together as Mrs Park continued her interrogation.

"And Jimin. May I ask why your sat on top of Yoongi?"

Jimin paused his thinking for a moment and answered "B-because he wouldn't wake ups so Minnie sat on him and started being annoying to wake him up." with a clueless innocent look on his face.

Yoongi quickly said "You couldn't be annoying Chim, even when your trying." causing Jimin to pout cutely and hit his chest.

Mrs Park knowingly commented "I'm sure Yoongi is more than happy with how he woke up." with a smirk plastered across her face.

Yoongi pulled the blanket over his face hiding his slight blush making Mrs Park start to laugh and coo.

Jimin was confused as to what his Grandmother's comment was insinuating but didn't think to deeply because he was trying to remember the night before.

He was alone... then he was with Yoongi... then they talked... cuddled... then they "KISSED!"

Mrs Park looked at Jimin and held her chest because Jimin's exclamation came from no where.

Yoongi peeked his eyes up from the blanket then his eyes widened too remembering the night before, slowly hiding his even redder face again.

Mrs Park looked between the two and could have sworn she could see smoke coming out of Jimin's ears from how hard the cogs in his head were turning.

She confusedly asked "Kissed? Kissed what?"

Jimin's face very quickly became redder than a tomato and even though he hid it in his hands Mrs Park could still see his ears so took a guess and said "You... and Yoongi... UJFSHUHSUIHSH YOU KISSED!"

Both Jimin and Yoongi jumped at the sudden word spew and looked at her neither confirming or denying it because of how flustered they both were.


She quickly stood up and said "Breakfast will be ready in fifthteen, i'll leave you both to talk and stuff. Behave boys." before pratically running out of the room with the cake, nearly tripping on her way out with Holly following behind her.

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