Part 70: Surprise

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Yoongi let out a frustrated sigh as he pleaded "Jin Hyung I really think you should let me at least phone Jimin to let him know we are coming over-" but Jin being persistent cut him off.

"No. My son kept a very important bit of information away from me. Now he will pay by being surprised by his Eomma."

Jungkook sat forward in the car seat, interrupting their mini bickering session asking "How is it you know Jimin again?"

Both went silent.

Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook all looked at Jin who's face was beginning to turn a shade of pink.

Namjoon placed his hand on his boyfriends thigh trying to comfort him.

Jin was already slightly flustered and Namjoon's affection wasn't helping.

He tried to change topic as he stuttered out "Ugh- well- you see- Yoongi maybe you should phone Jimin to make sure... he's okay?"

He looked back at Yoongi for a moment hopelessly, looking for some form of help after realising his stubborn personality may have put Jimin in a odd position.

He wasn't the type of person to change his mind and he made it very clear he was going to see Jimin.

The problem was whether or not Jimin was in little space or not because their friends might overwhelm him.

Yoongi knew this so nodded and said "Exactly. Speaking of which, no judgement." Remembering his literally newly learned information.

Jin And Namjoon both said Back "No judgement." At the same time causing the three to laugh as the others looked at them confused.

Yoongi pulled his phone out and dialled Jimin's number and waited for him to answer.

A tired "Hewwo?" Came through the phone and Yoongi instantly bit his lip.

Yoongi let out a small sigh and said "Hey Chim, how are you feeling?"

Jimin yawned before tiredly answering "I'm okayyy~ how are you?" Confusing Yoongi.

Jimin normally struggled with his 'r' sounds in little space but he managed to say it fine then.

He decided to take a normal conversation approach which he knew would help shape the answer to his real question.

He answered and asked "I'm okay, I was wondering if you had any plans for the day?"

Jimin hummed before answering "Not really, I'll probably try and face time Jinnie hyung later since Grammy is away and your busy. Plus I like talking to him in general."

Yoongi instantly complained "Yahhh~ Jimin~ stop making hyung jealous. And to think I had a surprise for you."

Jimin's ears instantly perked up and Yoongi knew it so continued by asking "Am I okay to come around today with a few guests?"

Jimin knew that Yoongi's friends were down so Yoongi hoped he could figure out his 'surprise.'

Jimin thought for a moment before deciding he could phone Jin later and said "Sure, what time?"

Yoongi laughed lightly and confessed "Funny story we're almost there now." Getting a whine from Jimin.

He complained "I have to get out of bed already? It's so early hyungie~"

Yoongi laughed as he looked at the time and said "It's already dinner time Chim, you should've eaten breakfast and dinner by now."

Jimin sighed out and said "Yeahhhh... I'll do that later. You have a key let yourselves in. Just DONT sneak up on me. Otherwise I might cry."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and asked "Why? What's wrong?" Since it was a random thing to say.

Jimin hummed slightly before saying "Nothing. Gotta blast." Then hung up.

Yoongi leaned back in his car seat and Jin asked "Well?" Getting a "We're good to go but can we pick him some food up before we get there please."

Jin nodded and gave the instruction to the driver and off they went to McDonald's.

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