Part 74: Promise

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After a long cuddle session which Yoongi thought Jimin fell asleep during, Yoongi slipped out of bed and snuck out of the room so he could go bring Holly up since she never entered the room.

When Yoongi came back however he found Jimin sat up in bed frowning and no matter how cute Jimin's pout was it couldn't help but raise concerns.

Yoongi quietly asked "Jiminie, what's wrong?" As he put holly down on her bed near the door of Jimin's room before turning his full attention to Jimin who was sat there rubbing at eyes.

Quietly Jimin whispered "H-hyungie left Minnie." Which Yoongi miraculously heard in the practically silent room.

It was in that moment he realised how Jimin was talking as well as his behaviour differing to before with how extra shy he was being, as well as being sleepy, and after knowing the latter for as long as he did and as well as he did he placed a pretty educated guess he was probably in little space.

But still not wanting to offend the smaller he wanted to check before following up on his assumption, so asked "Oh are you in little space bud?"

Not very graceful or soft due to his voice not being used for hours but Jimin didn't comment nonetheless.

Instead Jimin's frown grew as he quickly confirmed and apologised saying "Y-yuhuh. M' sowwy." As Yoongi made his way back over to the bed, climbing up and lying next to Jimin before whispering "It's okay Minnie. Don't be sorry. And I'm sorry that I left, I just wanted to bring Holly up to bed."

He didn't want Jimin to start crying knowing how the other got scared and somehow was even more fragile when tired so he was trying to offer as much comfort as he sleepily could.

Jimin shakily asked "W-why you no tell Minnie?" Quickly getting a gentle "Because I didn't want to wake you up Jiminie angel. You looked so soft and pretty I didn't want to disturb you. I'm sorry." As a response from Yoongi.

Jimin shuffled closer burying his face slightly into Yoongi's neck as he whispered "Minnie pweferrr if you wake him up cos' then if he wakes up he won't be as sad and lonely." Getting quieter towards the end as he snuggled into the cosy gap more.

Yoongi wasn't sure due to the muffled sound of his voice so repeated "Lonely?" To make sure he was right getting his confirmation from Jimin who admitted "Mhm. When Y-Yoongles no with Minnie he gets vewy sad and lonely."

Yoongi's heart hurt.


He just wanted to hug Jimin and stay with him forever so he didn't feel lonely and he wanted to cuddle him and be his protective blanket from the world.

But he couldn't yet because life was still in that messy school period before finding full time employment and an actual house of their own as well as helping Jimin grow more independent for when he couldn't be around.

They both still had a long way to come and even though Yoongi knew he could probably handle it, he wasn't going to be selfish and sweep him away when he knew the other was still a work in progress and being where he was was best for now until that messy period came on it's own - no stress of rushing or unorganised chaos.

So all Yoongi could do was make a promise.

"I'm sorry that I can't stay more but I promise one day we'll have a big house together. Just me and you. Then you won't be lonely yeah? And we can cuddle all day long without a care in the world."

Jimin smiled slightly at the thought and optimistically asked "Cuddles and kissies?" Getting a hum and a kiss on his head as Yoongi carried on "Mhm. Just Jiminie, Holly and Yoongi."

Jimin chuckled light then yawned before saying "Then Jiminie can stop buggin gwammy." Quickly Getting a "I'm sure you didn't bug her pet." From Yoongi.

If anything he made her life better.

She loved him so much.

Jimin giggle as he cheekily replied "Minnie can be a pain but he twies to be a good boy fo' gwammy. But it okay if Minnie bugs Yooni hyung because he Minnie's D- cawe giverrr." Earning a chuckle from Yoongi himself.

Yoongi then remembered something they'd been meaning to do for a while.

"Speaking of which we still have to right a list don't we my little prince."

Jimin thought before humming "Mhm." Remembering they hadn't done a proper one yet like they had planned a while ago.

Jimin also only hummed because he was scared of how high his voice would be because of how flustered he was from the name which Yoongi picked up on.

He asked "Do you like that nickname?" To Jimin originally only getting a nod in response until Yoongi said "It's too dark to see a nod." Getting confirmation via "Y-Yuhuh." Taking advantage of the lack of logic because of their sleepy states.

Yoongi decided to lazily tease Jimin a little and asked "Do you like another one moreee?" Already knowing the answer.

And so did Jimin but he still played innocent and dumb.

He asked "L-like w-whats?" Quickly Getting "Like baby~" sung to him by Yoongi who nuzzled into Jimin's neck causing the other to squeak "EEK." And squirm slightly from being so flustered.

Yoongi smiled smugly as he said "I'm taking that as a yes. My cute little baby boy. My own personal Prince. The smol mochi who made me soft." Kissing Jimin's head lightly before saying "Let's go to sleep baby. We'll do that list after the others have gone back to Daegu. I promise. Good night my sleepy prince."

Jimin nodded and snuggled closer to Yoongi saying "Pwomise... Night night..." before they both drifted off to sleep.

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