Part 88: Start

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Two months later, Jimin and Yoongi were unloading the final box of stuff into their shared luxury three bedroom apartment.

After a surprisingly easy apartment search and a few weeks planning then packing, everything had finally came into place.

For the rest of there Seoul trip they looked at the city differently than a holiday but as their new home making it that much more special.

Boxes labelled 'Yoongi' , 'Jimin' and 'Holly' (Since the puppy was moving in with them) were scattered around the apartment with their friends inside sending each box to their allocated room.

Coincidentally all the boys lived out to Seoul too similarity looking for a change making it seem even more homey, especially since they were sharing an apartment complex.

The boys were helping since they moved out a month earlier and because they wanted to snoop more into the couples love life.

And after a long day of moving, a celebratory take away and a film later - Yoongi and Jimin were both left alone in their new home.

Jimin innocently looked at Yoongi who was left lay out on their new couch and said "D-Daddy... I feelin little..."

Yoongi expected as much so patted his lap and said "My baby boy did so well today. I think that means you deserve reward~" feeling proud of Jimin.

Jimin felt a small burst of excitement and repeated "R-reward?" Causing Yoongi to say "Mhm so what would you like from the list baby boy?"

Jimin didn't even have to think before singing "Cuddles and kissies~"

Yoongi chuckled and said "Anything for my baby. Minnie, are you looking forward to living with me?" Making Jimin squeal and say "Asfjkhd Yes. More than anythin eveeerr~"

Yoongi chuckled before saying "More than me becoming your boyfriend?" Which Jimin reluctantly said "Yes." Too before explaining "Because Minnie and daddy have a new start now together. We are family... and family means no one is left behind-"

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head saying "Of course you'd badly quote stitch you goof ball."

Jimin chuckled cheekily too before saying "Yeah but I being honest. I wuv you daddy and I'm lookin fo'ward to fo' everrr with you."

Yoongi took Jimin's hands and kissed them before saying "And I You. We've come a long way from where we began huh? On our own and together." Feeling sentimental.

Jimin nodded in agreement but still said "Mhm we hasss. But Minnie thinks we got a long way to go still... you know why's?"

Causing Yoongi to curiously ask "Why?" Wondering if Jimin was thinking about the future with marriage and children or...

Jimin cut his thoughts short and confidently said "Because Eomma Jin said people who are in love have to make love to pwove it and we haven't-"

Being quickly cut off by Yoongi who's face lit up red saying "OOOoooOooOookayyyy Baby. Do you even know what Jin Hyung meant?"

Jimin innocently shook his head and said "Nope but Jinnie said we gotta do it-"

Yoongi gulped slightly suddenly feeling flustered and said "Only when your ready baby. Ignore Jin Hyung. He's a trouble maker. Now how about we spend our first night here together saying how much we love each other? That's got to be like making love right?" Wanting to distract from where the conversation was headed.

And luckily for him, Jimin was easy to sway.


"And I love every little thing about you. Every little bit."

They spent the rest of the night in their new home cuddled up saying how much they loved each other and making plans for the future, near and far, just generally loving their time with each other.

They loved each other unconditionally.

And just like the pair were no longer two people moving forward in life on their own because they were now together, a unit.

And together they'd work through everything, the good and the bad, facing what would come at them because everything a little bit easier when your not on your own.

They were making progress.

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