Part 73: Mental health

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Long story short, the seven boys all spent the day together and even had tea over at Jimin's house since the food was there and they were having fun.

They didn't end up leaving until late but Yoongi decided he wanted to stay with Jimin so they all went their separate ways.

When the car they all got in was out of sight Yoongi threw Jimin over his shoulder getting a squeak from the younger and carried him inside.

Yoongi went straight upstairs and threw Jimin down on the bed before literally flopping on him.

No hands to catch himself or protect Jimin which made the smaller boy laugh even more.

Yoongi smiled lightly at the sound of the other boys laughter before stating "I ain't moving until all my questions are answered." Getting a squeaked out "Okay." From Jimin who was in hysterics, red faced from laughing so hard and having the other crushing his lungs - not that he really minded.

Yoongi began by asking "First question. Did you have fun today?" Getting "Yesss~" sung in response to him between fits of giggles and wiggling.

He carried on by asking another light hearted question, asking "Second question. Do you ship namjin?" Getting a more hefty chuckle and "Obviouslyyyyyy~" In response.

Yoongi decided to ask a slightly more serious question next but kept his playful tone up as he asked "Third question. How many meals have you skipped this week?" Feeling Jimin tense under him.

Wiggling and giggles stopping for a brief moment before a nervous chuckle was heard.

Jimin reluctantly said "Uh- Not applicable." Flinching at the scolding tone from Yoongi as he called out "Jimin-"

Jimin didn't want to be told of so defended "I honestly don't know hyung I haven't been keeping track of the time and I've been in and out of little space constantly so I just don't know." Getting a frustrated sigh from Yoongi - not because Jimin was in little space but because he himself hadn't done more assuming he would be - who lightly scolded "Jiminie you need to take better care of yourself."

Jimin nodded and sadly mumbled "I'm doing my best..." put evident in his voice, knowing Yoongi was saying it because he cared.

Yoongi tried to offer comfort but also tried to find out more so said "I know Chim but you've got to try harder. Like the whole alarm thing Joon was talking about. I've never once heard these alarms go off. Why's that?"

Jimin blushed slightly, embarrassed as to why but admitted "I just don't turn them on because they interrupt me-"

If Yoongi hadn't already face planted into the bed he would in that moment, whining at the top of his voice "Jiminnnnnn~ that's the point." Getting a whispered "Well I don't like it..." back from Jimin, it really had no sass in it more bark than bite.

Yoongi let out a reluctant sigh before deciding to move to his main question which was significantly more serious.

He sighed before finally speaking again after a few minutes of silence fell between them "Fine but we're figuring something else out. Now... Last question."

Jimin nodded and quietly answered "Okay..." giving Yoongi the chance to begin.

"What were you saying this morning before swapping topics too our friends?"

Jimin instantly tried to avoid it by saying "Our friends sounds nice..." Getting a whine from Yoongi who wanted answers so called out "Jiminnnnn."

Jimin sighed again and said "It doesn't matter hyung." Getting a head shake from Yoongi.

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