Part 79: Apology

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Yoongi ran straight into a road without checking not wanting to lose Jimin and didn't see a car heading directly for him.








Jimin turned and ran as quickly as he could as Yoongi froze in the middle of the road, standing paralysed on the spot staring at the speeding car coming at him head on.




It was like a flash, Jimin pushed Yoongi back as the beep of the car was heard not stopping in it's tracks.




The driver finally hit the breaks but by this point what happened had happened.




Yoongi fell backwards onto the floor with a crushing weight on top of him.




Jimin was shaking and crying over him, holding Yoongi tightly in his arms.




"Never do that again you Dummy!"

Jimin was a crying mess in Yoongi's arms and the elder was struggling to process what had just happened, he remained laying on his back and looking up trying to process what just happened and still hold the other as close as possible.

The driver of the car just beeped his horn and yelled "YOU IDIOT!" before speeding away while simultaneously flipping them off, not even checking if they were okay after such a massive fall.

Yoongi was frozen, confused and his mind was blank still.

And all he could manage to say was a weak "What...?" Blaming his building headache for his lack of thinking.

"What just happened?"

He said that more to himself but he was quickly brought back to situation at hand when Jimin's loud wailing turned into shouting as he cried out in response "I DON'T CARE WHATS HAPPENING. YOU LOOK LEFT AND RIGHT. YES I MIGHT OF GOTTEN AWAY THEN BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED. WHATS BETTER LOSING ME OR LOSING YOUR LIFE AND KNOWING YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN BECAUSE YOU'LL BE DEAD! IF IT WAS THE OTHER WAY ID HAVE STOPPED YOU DUMMY! Y-YOU CANT JUST BE RECKLESS. Y-YOU CANT PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER LIKE THAT! I-I DONT... I-I don't know what I'd do without you..." hitting Yoongi's chest out of frustration.

Yoongi caught both of his hands and pulled him down on top of him into his arms where he just cried.

Jimin cried his heart out and shook in anger and fear, of losing Yoongi, as Yoongi just hugged him closely processing what happened.

"Idiot... idiot... idiot..."

"I know Jiminie. I'm sorry for scaring you, I'm... so-sorry."

Mrs Park finally caught up after freezing on the spot watching as it happened and pulled both of them into a hug, crying herself out of relief saying "Thank god your both okay. Thank god..."

The three of them all hugged and then Mrs Park noticed Jimin's bleeding knees and hands and a trail of blood coming from the back of Yoongi's head.

(Explains the headache.)

"We need to get you both cleaned up now."

They both paused and processed that they were injured and then nodded, waiting for Mrs Park to come back with her car because Jimin couldn't walk and she wasn't sure how bad Yoongi's head was.

Being protective and worried she took them too the hospital...

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