Chapter twenty three

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Piper sat fidgeting with her daddy's fingers, she didn't know what the conversations the adults where having was about, but she did know she was the reason for it to be. The frequent mention of her name told her the obvious facts.

"So the process is going to be a long one, not the usual long one, but a long one. Mr.Booth I understand that you and Dr.Brennan are in a relationship?" Mrs.Brock spoke while scribbling little notes to the side if a paper that booth knew was Brennan's adoption file.

"Yes, we are in a serous relationship, but as of now I currently don't like here." Mrs.Brock brought her attention to the couple that was now holding hands, smiling from ear to ear. Brennan noticed her constant stare and added quickly to Booths statement "yet!"

Mrs.Brock dropped her head. "Okay, Dr.Brennan I need you fill out these papers for me. Since I have most of your information from the time you fostered Piper, you will only need a short time period to fill it out." She handed the anthropologist a stack of 3 papers and threw a fake smile.

"Okay," Brennan took the papers and glanced at them. She knew most of it was going to be about her job and most of her history as a foster parent, she hadn't been a foster parent yet, unless you count the time her team found a baby in a tree, after his mother was killed.

"I'll need those back with in the next week. I'll schedule a appointment to meet privately with Piper."

Booths eyes left there resting spot and connected automatically with Brennan's.

"Alone? You have to meet with Piper without our supervision?" Booth spoke up. Piper didn't like the blonde at all, after all Booth understood why, why would you like someone who treated you like dirt?

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"Uh not for us, I mean, ugh see Piper isn't to fond of being alone with certain people, she'll need a few talking intos."

Booth didn't want to be rude and just come out and say 'Piper doesn't like you and prefers you leave.'

"Oh the meeting will be held next week and if all goes well the papers will be sent off to the state. I wish the both of you luck in this process" Mrs.Brock stood and stuck her hands out.

"In sure you two have a lot to talk about with the child, I'll leave you to it." She spoke as Booth took her hand.

Brennan scolded as Mrs.Brock called Piper 'the child' like she didn't exist.

"Goodbye to all of you, see you soon. I can let myself out, good day." the blonde bounced to the kitchen door and disappeared out of it. The two waited to hear the front door shut in silence, when they heard the click of the door nob hitting the sill they both let a breathe leave them.

"Gah, that was more than I expected." Booth spoke. He glanced to the child sitting in his lap and smiled.

"Hey baby, we need to have a little talk.." Brennan spoke as Piper looked to her.

Brennan seeing the frown on her daughters face, knew this was going to be a rough conversation.

"Mrs.Brock is going to come in next week and have a chat with you is that okay."

Pipers eyes went wide.

"No, mommy she's going to take me back! daddy please not let me go back!" Booth wrapped his arms around the small child and cooed her.

"No no pie, she is gonna ask you questions so you can stay with your mommy, and me." He kissed her head "I promise she isn't going to take you."

Piper glanced to her father and saw the truth basically written across his face. "You promis?"

Brennan took the opportunity to speak "yes we both promise baby, she is just going to ask you how you like living with me."

Pipers frown faded into a innocent smile. "I loves living heres."

Brennan smiled wide.

"That's good baby. But it's time for bed, let's go potty and brush your teeth, we can talk more tomorrow okay?" Brennan kissed her daughters crown.

Booth picked up his child and walked with Brennan to Pipers turquoise room and kissed her head before handing her off to Brennan. Piper brushed her teeth and used the potty, soon she was laying in bed with her pjs on.

"Goodnight baby, I love you. sleep good okay?".

Brennan kissed Piper once more

"Goodnight mommy I loves you to."

Brennan smiled as she closed her daughters white door, Piper fell asleep soon before her mom left her room.

Brennan walked into the lounge area to find a booth.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" he spoke sitting down on the couch.

"Yes sure, what's the matter?"

He smiled and motioned her to sit.

"I know we haven't been together long," she stopped him.

"According to Angela, we have been together we were just not having sex, not that I want to rush that we can wait as long as you want."

Booth blushed at her bluntness.

"I know Bones. I just wanted to know how you felt on me moving in, you know because of the adoption and everything, I just want to be there for Piper as much as I can, I don't want our relationship to be like mine and parks."

Brennan's face lot up. She lunged forward and kissed his lips hard.

"I would love for you to move in Booth, but we have to make room for Parker, when you have him, we can start moving stuff around as soon as you wants tomorrow if possible."

Booth chuckled at her eagerness for him to move in. Even though he wasn't suppose to get Piper until next weekend he planned on surprising him with all the news sooner than then.

"Okay, bones I don't have that much stuff so we don't have to rush anything, parks isn't coming until next weekend."

She kissed him one more time,

"It doesn't matter I'm just so happy."

She kissed him again this time it just being a little peck.

"I'm so happy your happy that I can move in. You know I wish that my apartment was big enough so you could move into him, but it's 2 bedrooms."

Brennan awed at him for a moment,

"Booth you and your Alfa male instincts."

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