Chapter twenty six

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Piper rushed in the door using his key he always had with him. His dad, and favorite anthropologist accompanied by a confused Piper, had waited in the car, Parker was in and out with in the next ten minuites.

They made it back to Brennan's apartment when Parker poped the question.

"Where am I sleeping tonight?"

Brennan's face went into a blank expression.

"Parker I'm so sorry! The thought totally slipped my mind, we have a room for you, it's just filled with boxes. It won't take long at all, just minor work."

Brennan turned in her seat to face her boyfriends son. Parker smiled he knew they had been busy.

"It's okay bones, I'll be happy to help when we get back to your house."

"Parker it's our house. You live there too."

Parker grin grew as bones tried to make him realize he was part of her family now. Well almost.

"Okay, well, where do the boxes go?"

"We will put them in the storage she's down in the parking garage."

Parker nodded as Brennan turned back in her seat to face the road. Two minutes pasted silently, as they pulled up in the garage, Parker's smile appeared back on his face. He couldn't believe his biggest dream was progressively becoming true.

"Alright, Piper sit still for a second an let me come get you."

"Ok daddy."

Parker's head shot up as his grin turned into a even bigger one.

"It's okay dad, I can unbuckle her, if she wants me too."

Booth peeked in the rear view mirror and saw his son wasn't hurt by Piper calling him daddy.

"Okay buddy but help her out while your at it."

Brennan smiled at Parker's easy going with Piper so far.

The three made there way up to the apartment by elevator. Parker smiled as Brennan let him unlock the door,

"Okay you know the room next to my old office?"

Parker simplify nodded to his dad's girlfriend

"That's your new room, for here anyway. Pipers room is next to yours, though."

Parker's face lit up again, his new room was a large room, and to add to it he would be next to Pipers.

"Thank you Bones."

Brennan wrapped her arm around Parker's shoulders. She leaned down and kissed his curly blonde head.

"Your welcome, now should we get started?"


Parker set his stuff down and turned to Piper.

"Hey Piper. How about you help mo- bones with the small stuff and I'll help dad with the big stuff, aye?".

Parker blushed at almost calling bones his mom too. Brennan turned to booth and silently asked him if he heard what Parker had said.

Parker had looked up to Brennan for as long as he could remember. She was like his unbiological mom. He was shocked at how natural mom sounded instead of bones. Piper on the other hand was very confused on who bones was. She had heard the name a few times but didn't recognize a new face anywhere. Her mommy was there, her daddy was there, and Parker was there. Where is this bones?

"Mommy who is bones?"

Brennan looked down to the confused child in front of her.

"That me, your daddy made that nickname up when we first meet. Parker calls me that to. Sometimes."

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