Chapter thirty two

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Brennan sat the phone back on it's original resting place; the bed side table. Booth looked to her in confusion, he had never seen her in such a weird manner

"Bones what's wrong, who was that?"

Brennan turned her heels to face booth. She slowly walked back to stand directly across from his sitting position he had acquired during the phone call.

She placed her hands on her forearms, and took a deep breath.

"That was Mrs.Brock, she said she needed to meet with Piper this afternoon in order for the papers to be signed."

Booths lips formed a slight frown.

"Bones what's wrong with her meeting Piper, you look like that's bad news."

"No, no I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you misread my expression. I'm very pleased that the situation is going rather faster than planned. She also mentioned the judge needed your signature if you want to be Pipers legal father."

Booth stood from the bed, he wrapped his arms around Brennan's mid section.

"If you still want to be her father of course."

Booth pulled back from his hug and grabbed her surprisingly small cold hands.

"I want nothing more than to be Pipers father, I will go to the end of the world to be her father, God bones I will be honored to be her legal father."

Brennan gave him a long steady kiss, she broke the kiss with a gasping smirk.

"Great, now let's get our daughter ready for this meeting, maybe you should feel parks in on the situation."

Booth noted how she wanted Parker to feel involved in the evolving family. He knew bones loved Parker as her own, even though she hasn't felt the feeling of a mother and birth child bond, he knew that Brennan knew how it felt to be left out or for instince how it felt to be a outcast, and for one she didn't want Parker Booth to feel that way through this whole proses.

"That's a good idea bones, I'll set him down once he's done with pie."

As if on cue, the one of subject walked through the door with a smiling three year old holding his hand.

"Dad, Piper is wearing my old hockey shirt! I thought I lost it forever, where has it been."

Brennan saw the orange faded tee shirt on her daughter and smiled

"Oh parks that was in a box I had found while making room for Piper, I was a little confused at where it came from but I know understand."

He smiled at the anthropologist.

"Oh it looks good on her I'm glad she can wear it."

Piper looked up to her daddy's son and grinned.

"Thank you parka you looks good to."

Booth chuckled, it was unlikely Piper actually meant it but it's the thought that counts.

"Okay, pie remember that conversation we had a couple of days ago, about the lady coming to talk to you?"

Piper responded with a shy nod.

"Baby, she's coming to talk today. Are you going to be okay?"

Piper shyly nodded and looked to her toes.

"She's not going to take me away is she mommy?"

Brennan moved from her position at booths side to in front of her daughter.

"Baby, I know she is scary but she will never take you away from us."

She leaned in and kissed her daughters brow, causing the little girl to smile.

"Dad, what's she talking about?"

Parker whispered to his father who was standing a few inches away.

"Come on buddy, let's talk in the kitchen, I have to explain a few things."

After the nearly fifteen minuites of explanation, a few question and answers Parker was up to date on all of the news on the situation.

"So, when Mrs.Brock comes today, well have to leave Piper alone with her?"

Parker was just rounding the situation that was about to take place.

"Yes, but it shouldn't take longer than twenty minutes."

Parker nodded, leaving a silence to fill the room, which was soon broken by a knock on the old front door.

"Bones she's here."

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