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Ariana's POV

I woke up for a normal day. My friend Crystal is coming over today to sleepover cause my dad is leaving for vacation and I didn't want to go. He's going to Hawaii and I just didn't wanna go. I heard a knock on my door. It opened and it was my dad. "Hey dad" I said getting up off my bed. "Hey Ari I just wanted to let you know I'm leaving now" he said coming over to me. "Oh okay I love you see you when you get back" I said Hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Okay Bye Ari love you too" he said leaving. No that he's gone I can have Crystal come over. He knows she's coming over so it's not like I'm hiding anything.


It's been about a hour and Crystal showed up. I opened the door and she was wearing a orange cropped hoodie with black ripped jeans, black boots and a black beanie. I also noticed she got a haircut and dyed her hair black. "WoAh YoU dYeD yOuR hAiR" I said being funny. She laughed and walked in. "I have so many things planned for us" she said giggling.  "Ooo come at me" I said as we both sat down on my bed. "Okay so first I think we should get our nails fone, my treat" she says smiling. She's honestly the best I don't know what I do without her. "Aww your the best" I said smiling at her. "Oh also we should get Starbucks" she said. "Okay but I'll pay" I said giggling. "Okay fine" she said laughing. "Okay what else?" I asked her. "Later tonight I'm thinking we go on Omegle" she said. "Don't you think that's weird we could find a lot of weird stuff on there?" I asked her. "I mean yeah but it's something to do plus we'll just put in cute boys as the finder" she said. She has a point. "Okay fine" I said giggling.

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