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Ariana's POV

We got off the plane and I texted Colby and told him I was surprising Jake earlier so he knows. Colby saw us and ran up to us. He hugged Crystal and then me. I think he hugged me longer which threw me off guard a little. He honestly smells so nice. "I'm so happy y'all are here" he say making direct eye contact with me then grabbing mine and Crystals bags.


We got to the trap house and Colby walked in. Me and Crystal followed after him. "EVERYONE COME DOWNSTAIRS I HAVE A SURPRISE!!" Colby yelled. Sam, Aaron and Corey came down. They all ran over to me and hugged me. Sam hugged Crystal cause he knows her. Colby introduced Corey and Aaron to Crystal. "ILL BE DOWN IN A SEC IM TEXTING ARI!!!" He yelled. That caused me to laugh. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Jake "I miss you😭 I wish you were here" he said so I decided to say "make a wish and come downstairs" he opened it and then left me on read. I saw him walk down the stairs. He looked up and saw me. The way his face lit up when he saw me was so cute. He ran down the stairs and into my arms. "I missed you too Jake" I said giggling. "How are you here right now" he asked me. "I came to surprise you" I said keeping our arms around eachother. "Ugh I'm so happy right now" he said picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. His arms were around my waist. We stayed like this for at least a minute. He lightly put me down and grabbed my bag. "So how long are you guys staying" he asked me and Crystal. "About a month" I said smiling. "YAY YOU CAN STAY FOR THE HALLOWEEN PARTY" he yelled. "We all know what happened last time" Colby said laughing. "Shhh we don't talk about that" I said laughing with me. Colby bit his lit a little while looking at me. Does he like me or something. Crystal went to Colby's room with him and I went to Jakes with him. I put my bags in his corner. "You should move in with me when the traphouse moves" he said. "What?" I asked. "Oh yeah! The Halloween party is the last party in the trap house" Jake said as I sat down on his bed with him. "No way! That sucks" I said. "Yeah but me, Colby and Sam are all moving into the same apartment complex" he said. "Yeah so why do you need me to move in when you have them?" I asked. "Because I want you" he said looking into my eyes. He started to lean in. "Jakeeee" I whined and put my finger up against his lips stoping him. "Oh I'm sorry" he said snapping out of it. "I'm not gonna date anyone anytime soon" I said giggling cause I know Jake likes me. "Wait why?" He asked. I should probably open up to him. "Well I just don't deserve love" I said. "Why don't you? Cause I think you do" he said. "Well, I kissed my sisters boyfriend on the cheek after... she died" I said looking down. He lifted my chin with his thumb. He looked me in the eyes "I'm so sorry and your sister would want you to be happy." He said smiling. "I know but I feel horrible for it" I said breaking down into tears. He pulled he into his arms. "It's okay let it out" He said rubbing my back with his hand. "I just don't think I'm in a good state of mind either. I got to learn how to love myself before I love someone else" I said crying into his chest. He payed down and I rested my tired head on his chest. "Are you not self confident?" He asked me. "I just hate myself so much after what I did that I just wish I didn't exist anymore." I said crying harder. "What no don't say that. You deserve to exist just as much as anyone else on this planet." He said Hugging me tighter. "I know I do but I just feel like I wanna die... I've never told anyone this" I said moving my head to the crook of his neck. "We'll get though this together trust me" he said playing with my hair. It's lit 3 in the afternoon and I'm so tired from the flight. Him playing my hair doesn't help. I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

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