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A/N: Guys there's a big skip in time here.

Ariana's POV

It's been four months since I've seen Jake and I'm really sad. I mean I'm honestly just gonna fly down and surprise him. I walked downstairs to my dad in the living room. "Daddd" I said walking over to him. "What's up sweetie" he asked me. "Can you fly me down to LA please I miss my bestfriend" I asked him. "I mean I know how much this boy means to you... I guess" he said. "Thank you so much daddy" I said Hugging him then running upstairs to my room to pack. Halloween is so close so I'll get to spend it with Jake. I put Crystal on skype on my computer while I pack. "Dude my dads flying me down to LA to surprise Jake" I said packing. "Dude lemme see how much it is cause I have ALOT of money saved up" she said. "Dude I have enough" she said a few minutes later. "GET A TICKET" I yelled.


Me and Crystal drove to the airport. She drove actually cause I didn't. We got on the plane and to pass time I thought I could finally tell her that Jake kissed me. "Hey Crystal" I said pulling out my phone. "Yeah?" She asked Me. "Jake kissed me the last time I went to LA" I said pulling up the video I screen recorded of us kissing. "What?! No he did not I need proof" she said. "I thought you'd say that" I said showing her. "Damn he really went in" she said. "Dude I know but the best part is, is that he tasted like fireball cause he had two shots before that happened." I said blushing. "So basically he was half drunk" she said. "Yeah but he tasted sooo good" I said feeling my face heat up. "But the real question is, did he even mean it?" She asked. "Yeah because I went to Colby after it happened for advice and he said he's liked me  and when I left LA he kissed my cheek sober" I explained to her. "Awww you should get with him" she said. "No I shouldn't" I said looking down. "Just because you kissed her boyfriend on the cheek after she got hit by that car doesn't mean she wouldn't want you to be happy" she said to me. "I'm also depressed and don't wanna love someone till I love myself" I said. "Okay but you won't reach out to anyone about what's wrong" she said. "I don't wanna talk about it" I said.

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