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Ariana's POV

Me and Jake went to Starbucks after hottopic and he told me he wanted to pay, I told him no but he did anyway. We sat down, Crystal was next to me and his friends were next to him. "So what's these guys names?" I asked. "Oh this is Colby and this is Sam" he said pointing to the dark haired one then the blonde haired one. "Nice to meet you guys" me and Crystal said. "Jake has told us a lot about you" Sam said shaking my hand. The thought of him talking about me made me blush but it's probably only because he told them about me when he was coming to meet me. "Sam you should like my parents. Are you trying to embarrass me?" Jake said Sam. "I mean I can if you wa-" Jake cut Sam off. "Nope were good" Jake said giving Sam a look. "Sooo... you guys do YouTube?" I asked. "Uh yeah my names Colby brock and Sams is Sam golbach and together we have a account called Sam And Colby then Jakes is just Jake Webber" Colby said smiling at me. "Ohh that's cool I'll subscribe now and watch some videos later with Crystal since she's spending the night" I said smiling at them then grabbing my phone out of my pocket and looking up Jake Webber. "Damn y'all have so many subscribers like how?" I asked. "They're got duh" Crystal said. She's very straight forward with a lot of things. The boys just blushed. "Actually we don't really think of them as subscribers or fans we think of them as supporters" Jake said smiling at me. "That's so cute!!" I said blushing a little. I subscribed to all They're accounts. It took my brain a few seconds to realize that I'm with people girls my age probably dream about being with. I'm not gonna think much of it I'm just gonna make a joke about it. "If you think about it, I'm with boys that most teenage girls dream of being with" I said laughing causing everyone to laugh. Jake laughed but he was kinda looking at me the whole time and giggling. Jakes smile is so damn cute but I know he doesn't like me so I'll stop those feelings now. I sipped on my Cotten Candy Frappe. I looked at Jake and he was sipping on his Ice Coffee. I've never been a huge fan of coffee because of the taste so that's why I get a Cotten Candy frappe since they don't have any. "You should try this it's so good" Jake said pushing the Coffee my way a little. "Oh uh no thanks" I said nicely. "No you gotta" he said. "Oh no really, I don't like the taste of coffee." I said. Everyone looked at me like I was insane besides Jake. "Pleaseeee you cant even taste the Coffee" he said with puppy dog eyes. "Ugh Fine" I said giving in and taking a sip of his drink. "You can most definitely taste the coffee but it's not that bad" I said giggling. "Hahaha it's probably because I drink a lot of coffee" he said. "Probably" Colby said. I just realized I just had a indirect kiss with Jake. Woah. He didn't even wipe the straw off after, he still continued to drink it. His sleeves are over his hands and that's a weakness of mine. I love when boys wear oversized hoodies and stuff like that. "Can we go to H&M I need to get new clothes" I asked giggling. "Anything for you" Jake said getting up and giggling. He walked closer to me and put his arm around my shoulders. "It's crazy to think that we met over Omegle" he said. "Yeah I know it's unbelievable" I said giggling. There was nothing in front of me and I Tripped. "I'm sorry I probably just embarrassed you" I said getting up from the ground. "Nah it's fine." He said smiling. His arm wasn't around me anymore. We were walking to H&M when a girl that looked a little younger came up to me and Jake. "Hi I'm Alex and I'm such a huge fan" the girl said. Damn he's so big. "Oh hi" he said Hugging her. "Can I get a picture please?" She asked. "Yeah of course, anything for my supporters" he said smiling and hugging her for a picture. "Thanks so much I just have one more question" she asked. "Yeah?" He said smiling at her. "Can you sign my phone case?" She asked. "Yeah of course. Do you have a marker?" He asked. I reached into my bag and grabbed a black permanent marker out. "Here" I said. Jake smiled at me and I think he blushed a little. "Wish Jake did you finally get a girlfriend" the girl asked giggling. "Nah still single as fuckkk but she's my ibf I just met today isn't she gorgeous?" He asked the girl. He thinks I'm gorgeous. He could just mean it as a friend. "Yeah she's really pretty" the girl said smiling and leaving. "Love you!" The girl yelled. "Love to too" Jake said giggling. "That's cute" I said smiling. "Yeah" he said smiling. We walked into H&M and started looking around. "I'm gonna buy you something" he said smiling. "No your not" I giggled. "Yeah I am" he said giggling. He's taller than me so I kinda gotta look up to him. "I am and you can't change that." He said giggling and walking off into the jewelry section. He's so cute and so nice. He grabbed someone and brought it up to the cashier. He bought it then walked back over to me. It was in a bag so I couldn't see it. "I'll wait to buy any clothes" I said smiling. We walked out of the store. "So what's the thing you bought me that I told you, you didn't have to get." I said giggling. "I'm gonna give it to you before we leave the mall because I won't be able to see you after that until i come back down here" he said with a faint smile on his face. "Oh okay" I said smiling. He grabbed my hand and we held hands till we got back to Starbucks where Crystal, Colby and Sam were. We continued to talk for awhile before it got late and we all decided it was time to go. We all headed out of the mall together and Colby started filming. "Okay guys so it's time to say goodbye to Ariana. I'm really sad but I know we can't stay here forever." He said looking at the camera then taking out the bag. "Before I go I gotta give her something I got her." He said pulling out a two piece necklace. They both had a circle on them along with the first letter of both our names. "Side by side or miles apart we are bestfriends connected by the heart" he said reading what they said before clipping it around my neck. "Awhh Jakeeee" I said wrapping my hands around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Colby turn the camera off I'm gonna cry" Jake said giggling a little. "Content!!" Colby said laughing. Jake started to tear up. "Jake stop cause I'm gonna cry if you cry" I said trying not to cry. He sniffed his nose then filmed the outro. "It's gonna be so hard for me to edit this video without crying" he said smiling at me. "Well I can FaceTime you while you are if that makes it any better" I said smiling. "I'm gonna cry so I'd rather not let you see me cry" he said giggling. "I already saw you tear up" i said smiling. "Ehh it's probably better if you don't see me actually cry, I like to be alone" he said. "Okay" I said grabbing the other necklace with his first letter of his name on it. I slowly put it around his neck. He smiled and hugged me. "So I guess this is goodbye" I said. "Yeah but we'll see eachother soon, Mabye you can fly down to LA for a week and stay at the Trap house" he said smiling. "Yeah for sure!" I said giggling cause I didn't know what he meant by "Trap house" I think I'll ask him. "What's this Trap house thing?" I asked. "Well it's me, Colby, Sam and two other guys at this one big house and it's so fun" he said getting really happy. "Okay" I said Hugging him one more time. "Bye Jake" I said. "Bye Ari" He said pulling away from our hug. We left. I was sad but I was also so so happy.

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