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Ariana's POV

It's the day of the party and me and Jake are getting dressed to "party". I got dressed then had Jake take a picture.


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@/ArianaKae: Gonna get my party on with my bestfriend Jake💜🖤

Tagged: @/JakeWebber9

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I got off my phone and looked at Jake who was wearing a bright orange jersey on with black jeans. He smiled at me and I think he blushed. I smiled back and we walked out. There were so many people here and the music was so loud. We only stayed out there for a few minutes before going back in his room. We both took our shoes off and got in our unicorn onesies. We just put them over our outfits since we're planning on going out to the party later. We spent half the night in his room getting closer with eachother watching Netflix before we finally decided that we should go out. We ate a lot so we weren't gonna have cake. We got out of our onesies and put our shoes back on. We were kinda tired but didn't wanna go to bed oyet so that's why we wanted to get hyped. We walked back out and found a spot in the corner to dance with eachother. After a while of dancing with Jake we sat down on the couch. gNobody else was sitting on it but they're were so many people around. I looked up and saw him already staring at me. He was smiling at  me and blushing. Most of the people left tethey're were mostly friends here but they're were two people me and Jake didn't know. He got all serious again so I knew what that meant. Before I could think of a distraction to stop it from happening lightly placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in. His lips hit mine and I'm gonna be completely honest, it was actually such a great kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. And he placed his arms around my waist pulling me closer. We slowly pulled away and as we did we made eye contact again. He just let go of me and I did the same. It went to being awkward. I got up and walked off to find someone to talk to. I looked around and could only find Colby. I walked over to him. "Can I talk to you" I said tapping on his shoulder. "Yeah" he said walking up to his room. "What's up why aren't you with Jake?" He asked. "Uhhh he kissed me.." I said fiddling with my fingers. "He did what?" He asked me. "He kisses me and it got really awkward" I said sitting on Colby's couch. "Damn he finally made a move on you" Colby said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "He hasn't stopped talking about you since the day y'all met" Colby said smiling. "Oh wow I didn't know that" I said looking down. "Yeah" Colby said. "What should I do?" I asked him confused on what I should do. "Just go to sleep for now and deal with it it tomorrow by talking about it" Colby said. "Thanks Colby" I said smiling and hugging him. I ran off to Jakes room. I grabbed pajamas and went in his bathroom to change. I changed then layed down in his bed. If I fall asleep before he lays down I won't need to talk about it right now.

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