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Ariana's POV

I woke up and Jake was already up and on his phone. "Oh hey sunshine" Jake said smiling. "Hey" I said feeling my face flush with red. "So today I was thinking we can get onesies and snacks and put them in my room in the closet till the party then we can run away from everybody and watch Netflix." He said smiling at me. His dimplessssss!!!! "Uh yeah I'm done for that." I said smiling and getting up. I grabbed clothes from my suitcase then went into his bathroom. I got dressed and did a little makeup and I did my hair. I walked out and Jake was dressed too. He was wearing a short sleeved red and white GAP shirt with black ripped jeans. We both smiled. "I like your shirt" I said giggling. "Thanks, I like your shirt" he smiled. "Hehe thanks" I said Hugging him. I'm like a few inches shorter than him so everytime me hug he most of the time he would rest his chin on the top of my head. We pulled apart and we went downstairs. Everyone was down there. "Guys were gonna go to target" Jake said grabbing his keys. "Okay see ya guys later" Colby said. We got in the car and started driving.


We got to target and walked inside. "Where to first?" I asked. He grabbed my hand. "Onesies!!" He yelled skipping with me. I giggled as we got there.


We got home after buying cute ass onesies and snacks. We put them in his closet and sat on his bed. He got up and started dancing because Colby was blaring music. I started laughing and I pulled out my phone and went on Snapchat. I started filming him he was dancing for at least 15 seconds before realizing I was filming. When he realized he stopped and smiled and fell to the ground laughing. I stopped filming and put his @ and posted it. He looked at his phone then looked up at me. He ran over to me on the bed and basically tackled me. He didn't hurt me at all tho. "Ahhh" I yelled. "Why did you post thatttt???" He whined. He was literally on top of me. "I'm soweeeee" I said giggling. He just smiled and looked at me in my eyes. His face went all serious. He looked like he was gonna lean in so I started tickling him. "Ahh stop" he said laughing and falling over.

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