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Ariana's POV

Me and Jake were cuddling on his bed until he turned off the TV and looked at me. He smiled at me. "I gave you hickeys.. time for my punishment" Jake said smirking. I smirked then sat up and sat on his lap so I could kiss his neck. I kissed his neck and left little love bites on it. By the time I was done there were so many hickeys. "I love you" Jake said. "I love you too baby" I said kissing him.


It's a few days later and Jake showed me the video of him asking me to be his gf. I told him he could post it so right now were waiting for peoples reactions in the comments and on Instagram. We also decided to both post the same picture to show were dating.


Liked by @/JakeWebber9 and 53,356 others

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Liked by @/JakeWebber9 and 53,356 others

@/ArianaKae: Me and Jake are dating! Let me just say that I was so blessed even to just meet him. I'm in love Guys❤️❤️

Tagged: @/JakeWebber9


*insert fandom freaking out*

After I posted mine I scrolled through Instagram and stumbled across Jakes.


Liked by @/Samgolbach and 76,642 others

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@/JakeWebber9: A couple days ago I asked the girl of my dreams to be my girlfriend and she said yes! I love her so much and you guys know I wouldn't be showing you her if I didn't think she was a keeper. She's so beautiful and I did mean the times I kissed her before our relationship. This girl was love at first sight and I hope we last a while... I love you Ari🖤💜

Tagged: @/ArianaKae



I got off my phone and smiled at Jake. I rested my head on his shoulder. "I would love to stay but I actually have to go film a YouTube video at Sams with Colby... you should come with" he said. I smiled. "Okay" I said. We both walked out and went to Sams. Jake just walked in and I walked in after him. Colby was sitting with Crystal and talking but when he saw me he smiled. I smiled back of course then sat in the kitchen with Crystal while they filmed.

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