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Ariana's POV

It's been a couple months and my dad is back home from Hawaii. I still don't know the boy from Omegles name. I get a Snapchat from him.

I smile at the thought of him wanting to meet me

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I smile at the thought of him wanting to meet me.

I smile at the thought of him wanting to meet me

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He opened it and texted me.

No name: I live in LA hbu?

Ari: Kansas :(

No name: NO WAY REALLY??!

Ari: Yeah and why is that so exciting?


Ari: WHAT?! NO WAY!!

No name: SO CAN WE MEET??!

Ari: YES!!! I'll tell my dad I'm going with my friend Crystal.

No name: YAY!!!

Ari: I still don't got a name...

No name: you'll find that out when we meet😂

Ari: ugh fine but you better not be a serial killer🙄

No name: Trust me I'm not😂

Ari: Okay good lol I'm really excited to meet you.

No name: Me too. After talking for two and a half months I feel like I could consider you as my bestfriend.

Ari: Awh! Same! So... How are we gonna meet. Are we gonna have it filmed? And where are we gonna meet up?

No name: yeah we can have Crystal film us running towards eachother and we can meet at the mall at hot topic.

Ari: Hell yes I love hot topic

No name: I'm really fucking excited to come visit my home town let alone meet my bestfriend.

Ari: Wait what? Kansas is your home town?

No name: Yep

Ari: Same!

No name: that's so cool!! I should probably go but we should FaceTime later?

Ari: For sure. Bye No name.

I giggled at the text I sent him.

No name: Bye Ari😂

I got off of our conversation and just smiled at my phone for the longest time. Do I like him? Nah...

No Name (Jake Webber x OC)Where stories live. Discover now