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A/N: The picture above is me becoming Jake. I was pretty proud too. I was wearing black ripped jeans with a chain on them but you couldn't tell in the picture. Guys I'm pretty proud also like uhhh faCe reVeal:)

Ariana's POV

It's been a couple months and me and Jake have talked about me flying down a couple days before next month, just in time for my birthday. My birthday is June 1st and I'm gonna tell Jake that today.

Ari: Heyy

Jake: Ayeee what's up?

Ari: I just wanted to tell you your literally having me come up to LA a couple days before my birthday.

Jake: When's your birthday?

Ari: June 1st

Jake: Mines the 11th so we should have a huge party together

Ari: Oh my god yes please just please don't leave me if there's gonna be a lot of people cause I don't like people

Jake: Haha me either, we can hide out in my bedroom if you want

Ari: Yeah but the party's for us so why would we do that?

Jake: I don't know I'm just saying I'm down with anything your comfortable with...

Ari: Okay silly 😂

Jake: Damn I miss you...

Ari: I miss you a lot too Jake

Jake: Yeah but the necklaces we both have I have turned into a item that helps with my anxiety. If I hold it, it calms me down somehow.

Ari: Awe Jake, your so cute I'm sorry you even get anxiety. Your so nice and sweet you don't deserve it.

Jake: nah it's fine, I feel like the girl I like is helping with my anxiety...

Ari: Oh... who's the lucky girl?

I only asked that question cause I'm kinda crushing on him.

Jake: I don't wanna tell you... nobody knows.

Ari: Okay I understand, we'll anyway I'm gonna go we should ft later.

Jake: yeah for sure because I miss my bestfriends voice and I can't fucking wait to hug you again.

Ari: I've really been down and I need a hug so when I get there were hugging the whole time.

Jake: deal! We can also cuddle if you want. We can have a Netflix marathon.... that's probably too much huh?

Ari: Nah I'm down. I love watching Netflix and it would be nice to chill with my bestie.

Jake: Yeah it would be, we can cover up with my fuzzy blankets too

Ari: Yes please  😂

Jake: Well then it's a deal..

Ari: Okay I should probably actually go now but I'll ttyl bsf byeeee

Jake: Bye bestie💜

Ari: 💜🖤

I smiled at phone thinking about cuddling with him.

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