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Ariana's POV

It's Jakes birthday (June 11th) So today me and Colby Decided to make him a cake. I woke up super early to make him a cake with Colby. He wakes up at 10:00am everyday so me and Colby both woke up at 8am. I got dressed and did my makeup and hair like usual then headed  downstairs. I saw Colby in the kitchen with the baking stuff. I smiled and walked over. We got to baking him a chocolate cake. Apparently due to Colby's info Jake loves chocolate.


We finished the cake and then decorated it, we put "happy birthday Jake" and added balloons around it. I went to grab the sprinkles and I guess Colby did too cause when I see my hand down Colby did too and our hands touched. I looked up at Colby and he was already looking at me. He quickly pulled his hand away then looked at the time. "Let's go get everyone then go wake jake up" Colby said. "Okay" I said following him to the other boys rooms. We got everyone then went back downstairs, grabbed the cake. We all walked up the stairs and into Jakes room. He was still sleeping. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKIE BOY" I yelled. He jumped a little and opened his tired eyes. He looked at me and smiled. "Damn you guys went all out" Jake said smiling. He rubbed his eyes because he just woke up. His cute raspy voice is so cute when he first wakes up. "Make a wish" I said holding the cake in front of him.

Jakes POV

"Make a wish" Ari said holding the cake in front of me. "I wish me and Ari would get together" I said in my head before blowing the candles out. I looked at Ari and she smiled.

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