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Ariana's POV

It's later and me and Jake were in is bedroom. I was cleaning up a little Because he had a few things out of place. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "I like you" he said smiling. "What?" I asked. "I like you" he said again. "Ugh never mind" he said holding me closer and hugging me. I just shook it off because I couldn't tell if he meant it like he really like me or not. "Jake I'm going home tonight" I said in a sad voice. "Ugh I know I'm gonna miss you like crazy" he said twisting me around so I faced him. "I will miss you like crazy too but we will see eachother soon I promise" I said resting my head on his chest. "I know but I just wish you lived here so I could wake and see you everyday" he said rubbing my back with his hand. "Mabye one day but for now I wanna stay at home with my dad and Crystal" I said smiling. "I could move Crystal in because I think Colby likes her anyway" he said. "Damn she'll be happy to hear that" I said giggling. "Yeah" he said.


We got to the airport and Jake walked me to my flight. He waited with me till it was time to go. When it was time we got up and he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. "You know I'm gonna miss you right?" He asked. "Yes I know you will Jake, you've said this like five times" I said wrapping my arms around is neck. "Sorry it's just... I don't want you to leave cause then that means I'll be alone" he said looking down. "Jake you have Colby and everyone" I said smiling at him. "I know but when I see Sam and his girlfriend I get sad and feel lonely" he said. "Jake you'll never be alone as long as I'm around" I said. He smiled at me. "I have a question before you go" he said holding me in his arms. "Yeah?" I asked scared at what it might be. "Did you really like how I tasted?" He asked. Ew that's such a weird question. "Yeah.. fireball tastes really good if that's what it tastes like" I said blushing a lot. "I liked the way it tasted too" he giggled and I think he was blushing. "Oh Jake also... that was my first real kiss" I said smiling feeling my face burn up. "I was your first kiss?" He asked. "Yep" I said smiling. "How?? You didn't have any boyfriends yet??" He asked me in a concerned voice. "No I haven't Actually" I said smiling. "Damn your gorgeous like how haven't you?" He said. "I don't know but I gotta go" I said pulling away from our long ass hug...I didn't mind. "Okay bye please have a safe flight and I love you" He said. "I love you too Jake.." I said. "A lot" I whispered so he couldn't hear me. "Please snap me when you get home because I'm not sleeping till I get a text from you letting me know your okay" he said giving me a soft smile. "Okay silly goose I'll make sure to text you so you know I got home safe" I said smiling and hugging him one more time. "I'm gonna do something" he said. I'm confused. He kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up and the spot where he kissed was tingling. I smiled but then remembered that I shouldn't deserve this. "Bye Jake" I said smiling and waving. He waved and his face was bright red. His dimples were so cuteee.

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