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Ariana's POV

I woke up and I was still on Jakes chest. I rolled off of him. He was awake. "I'm sorry" I said looking at him. "Don't be I enjoyed it" he said looking at me. "I enjoyed last night too" he said smirking at me. "I know you did" I said smiling. I opened my phone and saw a bunch of notifications. "It happened again didn't it?" I asked. "Yepp" He said. "My fandom really ships us and even made edits." Jake said. "Yeah I know... I watch them when I miss you" I said looking away from Jake. "I do the same" he said laughing. I looked up and laughed with him. "Do you regret what happened last night?" He asked me. "Honestly no" I said blushing a little. "So do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked me. "What?" I asked him. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Uhh I don't think I'm completely ready" I said. I don't wanna date him until I feel ready. "Okay I'll wait.... so do you wanna move in with me when I move to my apartment?" He asked me. "I mean I have to ask my dad" I said. "Okay" He said. "But what about Crystal I can't just leave her" I said. "She can stay in Colby's extra room" Jake said. "Okay fine when I go home I'll ask him and then if he says yes I'll pack everything I need and fly back down" I said smiling. "Okay" He said smiling.


It's later and I'm downstairs. I walk out of the kitchen and see Colby. He gets up and walks over to me. "Hey.." I said because of what happened last night. "Hello" He said giggling. Okay not gonna lie Colby's cute but Jake... I love him... woah did I just say that? I guess I did. "Can you help me take. Picture for Instagram outside?" I asked Colby. "Yeah.." He said taking my phone and walking outside with me. We took a couple pictures then I chose one to post.


Liked by @/JakeWebber9 and 35,532 others

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Liked by @/JakeWebber9 and 35,532 others

@/ArianaKae: That party last night was so fun....hehe Jake💜

Tagged: @/JakeWebber9


@/JakeWebber9: Yeah it was...💜
@/ArianaKae: Ily bestfriend come downstairs and hug me :)
@/JakeWebber9: I'm heading down :)

@/Colbybrock: Hey! Picture credits? I took this picture😭
@/ArianaKae: I'm sowee
@/Colbybrock: I can't stay mad at you..


@/Fan: I actually ship Colby and Ariana not Jake and her...

@/Hater: Ew she's butt ugly

I got off my Instagram post and went to what I was tagged in. I screen recorded the video of me and Jake. The video is like perfect view how did they do that without us noticing? I shook it out of my head when I saw Jake running over to me in his slightly oversized Black "were all a little crazy" hoodie. Oversized things kill me when boys where them. He hugged me and I hugged him back. He put me down then I got on his back. "Give me a piggyback ride to your room" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Okay" he giggled and walked upstairs into his room. He let me down on his bed. "So many fans have been asking us to kiss on camera" Jake said. "But we're not together" I said confused. "I know they just wanna see it happen when I'm not half drunk" he said letting a little giggle out. "I mean I guess but it doesn't mean anything" I said looking down. "Okay" he said. He seemed a little upset but he just went to turn the camera on.

Jakes POV

We explained the whole situation so now the time. "Okay guys so I know y'all have been asking if we could kiss on camera so here it goes." I said looking at Ari. I looked at her lips then lifted her chin so her lips meet mine. I lightly pressed my lips onto hers. She put one hand on my cheek as I did the same to her. This kiss wasn't just a peck it was so much longer than that. We pulled away slowly and I lightly bit a part of her lip as we pulled away. "Talk about a mini orgasm" she said laughing . I think she was trying to make a joke. I blushed. "Okay guys now that you have the content you need we should probably go, make sure to like, comment and subscribe byeee" I said covering the camera and turning it off. I looked back at her. "You could kiss me everyday if you wanted to" I said. "I know I could but I know I'm just not ready" She said. "I know your not but don't wait too long cause I might lose feelings for you and move on" I said looking at her. "Then go ahead and get with someone else I don't care, I have Colby anyway cause he also kissed me yesterday at that party" she said. I don't think she realized what she said cause she looked like she regret it. I filled with anger and walked over to Colby's room. I opened the door and shut it behind me. "What's up du-" Colby tried to say before I punched him in the face. "What the fuck dude" Colby said holding his face. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you made a move on Ari last night?!" I yelled. "Oh so she told you?" He asked me. "YEAH SHE DID SO EXPLAIN YOURSELF OR GET PUNCHED AGAIN" I yelled getting louder. The only other people here right now are just Ari and Crystal. Ari came running through the door. Colby punched me not realizing she ran in yet. "BOYS PLEASE STOP!!!" She yelled. "I'm not gonna date either of you now, you blew your shots.." she said leaving.

Ariana's POV

I ran to Jakes room and started packing my stuff. "Ari Wait!" Jake yelled at me. He shut the door. "You can't leave me" he said. "I'm not leaving for good I'm just really pissed off right now and just wanna go home" I said grabbing my bag. "Wait please take my hoodie" he said taking off the hoodie he was wearing. "No Jake keep it" I said walking out the door. "No cause I'm not letting you leave until you take it" he said standing in front of me. "Fine" I said. He gave me the hoodie and I put it on. It smells like him. "Now I'm gonna do something I'll regret" he said. I was confused until he fucking kissed me. I didn't want to kiss back but I couldn't help it.  He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away. "You already gave me a mini orgasm earlier I don't need to have one again" I said giggling. "I actually did? I thought you were joking" he said laughing. "Hell no! You didn't hear me whisper "fuck" during out break to catch our breath?" I asked. "No I didn't, I didn't know you liked it that much" he said laughing his ass off. "I love it but I'm not ready" I said looking down. "Can you please stay though?" He asked me. "I guess" I said Hugging him. The hoodie he gave me is so big on me but it also looks so cute on me. "I have a question" he said. "What is it?" I asked. "Come in my room and I'll explain" he said. We walked into his room and shut the door. "Okay what's up?" I asked. "Do you wanna be friends with benefits, mostly just acting like a couple when nobody's around and if you want we can have sex but that's up to you" he said. "Uh What?" I asked. "Well basically we act like a couple when nobody's around, we're both still aloud to flirt with other girls/guys and we don't tell anyone" he said. "I mean... I- I- I guess" I said choking on my words. "Are you sure? It's completely up to you" he said. "Yeah I want to" I said smiling. I have to step out of my comfort zone plus this isn't technically dating. He smiled and pulled me into a hug then kissed my lips. I kissed back of course. "So what do you say? You wanna move into my apartment?" He asked me. "Yeah I just have to go back to Kansas and get everything I need like my computer and the rest of my clothes plus I think you should come back and meet my dad" I said smiling. My dad has been wanting to meet Jake since the day I mentioned him. "Then why don't we go to Kansas today to let Crystal and you grab all your stuff and then come back" he asked. "Okay sounds like a deal" I said smiling.

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