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Ariana's POV

I woke up and looked over to see Jake. He was on his phone shirtless. Damn he even has abs. "Oh your up! Good morning" he said smiling. "Good morning" I said sitting up. "Hey..." he said looking at me. "I'm sorry about last night" he said. "It's uh... fine" I said looking down. "No it's not, I shouldn't have did that without your permission" he said looking down. "No Jake it's fine" I said lifting his chin up to look at me. "I know I just feel bad because I was a little drunk when I did that" he said. "I knew I tasted something" I said giggling. Ew that's weird why did I just say that. "Yeah I had a couple shots of fire ball before that happened so I was more like buzzed" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Damn that's why I tasted fireball" I said. He blushed a little bit. "Wait Jake you were under age drinking" I said. "I know, I know and I'm so sorry it all just kinda happened so quickly" he said. "Yeah I know but you kissed me and still had fireball in your mouth which means that I basically drank fireball" I said freaking out. I never wanna drink cause that's what killed my mom. She had a rough day and had a couple drinks then her car crashed. "I'm sorrrrry" he said Hugging me. Let me remind you, he is still shirtless. "It's fine I guess" I said. "Can we just forget this ever happened and go back to being bestfriends" he said. "Yeah of course" I said smiling. "Good cause I can't lose you as a friend" he said Hugging me really tight. "I can't lose you either" I said holding the back of his head while were hugging. His hair is so soft oh my god. "Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY" he said smiling at me uncontrollably. "THANKS" I yelled blushing a little. "I wanna do something special for you so tell me, what do you like" he asked me.

Jakes POV

"I wanna do something special for you so tell me, what do you like" I asked her smiling. "Uhh I just want to get food" she said laughing causing me to laugh. Her laughed is so cute oh my god. "Oh come on... your in LA for the first time we should do something fun" I said smiling. "Ugh I don't know Mabye we can figure something out later" She said smiling at me. Damn I love her smile so much, I love everything about her.

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