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Jakes POV

It's been a couple months of me and Ari doing bestfriends with benefits and I am gonna do something. Me and Ari just filmed a YouTube video and we did the outro. I went to turn the camera off but I didn't actually so it could watch me and Aris whole conversation. "So Ari I wanna talk about something" I said fiddling with my fingers. "Yeah?" She asked confused moving closer to me. "So ya know I've had a thing for you since the day I met you" I said looking up at her. "Yeah I know" she said. "Well we've been getting pretty close the past few months" I said smiling. "Yeah...?" She said still confused. "Well I was wondering if you were ready to possibly be my girlfriend" I asked her with a nervous smile. "But then what happens if we don't work out" she asked me. "We can still remain friends" I said. "Because I can lose you" I continued to say then hugged her. "I mean... yes" she said smiling. I smiled and grabbed her face then kissed her. "I'm so glad you said yes cause I don't see myself with anyone and I love y-you" I said staring at her. "I love you too Jake" she said kissing my lips again. She walked out and I turned the camera off. I sent the videos to edit to Aaron Because I wanna go tell Colby and Sam about me and Ari. I walked out and grabbed her hand in mine. "Let's go tell the boys" I said. "Okay" she giggled. We both walked to Sams apartment. We knocked on the door and Sam opened it. He looked Down at our hands. "Oh my god" he said getting excited. "We're dating!!" I yelled. I saw that Colby and Crystal were also at Sams. "I'm so glad to call her mine" Jake said grabbing my face and kissing me. "Ahh I ship it!!" I heard Crystal from the living room. Colby and I made eye contact then I broke it. He seemed Annoyed. "Ahh come in!!" Sam said letting us all in. We walked in and sat across from Colby on the couch. Jake moved a piece of my hair behind my ear revealing all the hickeys I got from him. I have five yikes. I smiled then looked at Colby. He looked away as soon as I looked at him. I looked back at Jake and hugged him.

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