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Ariana's POV

I grabbed my bag and got ready to leave for my flight. I told my dad about Jake and after a while of begging he agreed to let me go. I'm flying by myself but Crystal is gonna drive me there. I got in the car with Crystal and we drove the the airport. "I'm nervous" I said getting shakey. "You'll be okay it's only 3 hours" Crystal said as we got out of the car and walked to the airport doors. "Okay your right, I guess this is where I leave" I said said Hugging her. "Okay Bye Ari your gonna be fine" she said smiling and hugging me back. I left from her hug and walked in the doors.


I finally got off the plane. I got out my phone and texted Jake.

Ari: Hey I'm off my plane.

Jake: Okay, Wait there I think I see you.

I looked up from my phone and saw a boy in a stripped black and while long sleeve and black ripped jeans. He was running towards me. I smiled and ran towards him. We crashed into eachother and hugged so tightly. His arms around my waist felt so nice to feel again. "I missed you so fucking much" he said resting his head in the crook of my neck. "Jake, I've been waiting for this moment to happen again" I said Hugging him a little tighter. We pulled away but he still kept me in his arms, we stared into eachothers eyes for a few seconds until we snapped out of it. He quickly let go of my waist and we awkwardly walked back to the doors to his car. We got in the car and drove to this big ass house.


He helped me with my bags and we walked in. I got hugged by Colby and Sam along with two other guys. "I'm Corey" the guy with the man bun said. "And I'm Aaron" the guy with somewhat blonde hair. "Hi I'm Ar-" I tried to say but got cut off by Corey. "Jake talks about you ALOT" he says smiling. Jake hit Corey's arm. That's the second time I've heard that he talks a lot about me. Me and Jake went to his room. "So where am I gonna sleep?" I asked. "Uh you can take the bed" he said smiling. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Positive." He said smiling taking my bags from me and putting them in the corner. "Okay" I said smiling and sitting down on his bed. "Damn your beds comfortable" I giggled. "I know" he smiled. "Okay well I'm gonna sleep on the couch downstairs if you need me you'll know where I am" he said starting to walk out. "Jake?" I said before he walked out. "Yeah" he said walking backwards into the room. "I don't wanna sleep in here alone" I said in a baby voice. He gave me a soft smile before walking over to the bed and laying next to me. "Your not uncontrollable?" He asked me. "No I just don't wanna be alone" I said looking away from his eyes. "You don't gotta be I'm here" he said moving a little closer.

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