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Ariana's POV

It's the day of the Halloween party. Me and
Jake have really gotten close. We decided to be the devil and angel... as bestfriends. I'm the angel and Jakes the devil. I was ready. I had a tight white dress on that fit my curves and a halo headband on with white wings and white heels. My makeup was natural and my hair was curled. I walked out and saw Jake with a devil tail, a black shirt with the number 13 on it in red along with black ripped jeans. He smiled. "You look nice" he said complimenting me. "Thank you Jake you look very nice too" I said smiling. We went downstairs into the party. There was a dude going around serving fire ball shots to everyone and Jake took like four.


Is a little later and me and Jake were sitting down in the same spot we sat last time. He was buzzed again. I kinda wanna kiss him again but I'm not in a good place. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't think he was gonna kiss me but turns out I was wrong. He smashed his lips into mine. Damn fireball tastes so fucking good I just wanna keep kissing him but I can't. I couldn't help but kiss him back. Honestly I love the way he kisses me and the way he tastes. He made his way down my neck. Little moans escaped my mouth. The music was too loud for anyone to hear though. He stopped and looked at my neck then at me. "I- i- Uh - I'm sorry" he said. "No it's fine I should have stopped you" I said. "Why didn't you?" He asked me. For a buzzed person he doesn't seem like it. "Because it was hot" I said giggling. "So you want me to keep going"?" He asked. I just smiled. He smiled back at me and pulled me closer lightly kissing my lips. "Jake we can't do this here what if someone was filming us before?" I asked him. "I don't care we can just post another video about it" he said kissing me. Honestly I'm not planing on getting with Jake but this is too good to stop. I felt him smile through our kiss. "Your So mother fuckin beautiful" He whispered in my ear. That made me smile. He once again kissed my neck again leaving love bites all over it. Honestly at this point I didn't care. We stopped and I looked at Jake and he was just acting so soft. "Your cute" I said smiling. "Thank you" He said smiling. "I'm gonna go find some food" I said getting up and walking over to the kitchen. Before I made it there someone grabbed me into the bathroom. They shut the door. The lights were off so I turned them on. "Oh hey Colby" I said giggling. "I like you a lot" he said. "What?" I asked him. "I like you not in a friend way" he said. "Oh..." I said confused. "I'm sorry there's just something about you that just kills me when I see you" he said. "Colby are you drunk?" I asked. "No I just really like you and I wanna kiss you right now" he said. "I don't think we should" I said. "Yeah I know it's because of Jake but can we at least just kiss and forget it ever happened" he asked. "I..I guess" I said. He smiled and kissed me. Coby is going all in for it. He kissed me then somehow got his tongue into my mouth. Honestly he is a really good kisser but I think I like jake. We stopped and I immediately left the bathroom and went to Jakes room where I saw Jake. When he saw me he smiled. I got into my pajamas and he did the same but he just put on pajama pants and left himself shirtless. I cuddled up next to him and rested my head on his chest. "Just because we had a makeout session doesn't mean we're gonna be a thing okay?" I asked. "Okay that's fine" he said looking away from me. "Oh also... YOU LEFT FIVE HICKEYS ON MY NECK" I yelled at him. "IM SOWEEE" He said in a baby voice. "I honestly don't care" I said laughing. I decided he looked really cute so I kissed him. I sat on top of him basically just laying on him. My arms were on each side of his head to keep me up. He grabbed my waist and kissed me more. "Is this like a one night stand without the sex?" I asked. "Exactly" He said giggling. I fell asleep on his chest.

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