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Ariana's POV

We got out nails done and I got mine purple and silver and Crystal got baby pink and silver. I took a aesthetic picture of my nails then posted it on Instagram.


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@/ArianaKae: Got my nails done with my bestie Crystal💜🤩

Tagged: @/Crystal1313

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I got off my phone as we made our way to Starbucks. We walked in and ordered. Crystal got a Carmel frappe and I got a Cotton candy frappe because I don't drink coffee. We sat there for awhile before heading home. She drives because ever since my mom died in a car crash I've been scared to drive.


We got back home and sat down on my bed. "So, any boys your interested in?" Crystal asked. She knows I don't have a crush but keeps asking anyways. "Nope" I said giggling. "Ugh when are you gonna find a manz" she asked me. "When I find the write one" I said giggling.

We sat there talking for awhile until we decided to go on Omegle. I grabbed my computer and got on Omegle. I set it up in front of me and Crystal. I typed in cute boys then hit "new conversation"and waited a few seconds before it flipped to a shirtless guy. "Well your a shirtless dude" I said hitting "new conversation" because that's weird.

It wasn't till later when we were about to stop when we hit "new Conversation" one more time when it flipped us to a cute boy. He was sitting down with a yellow hoodie on.

(What they see)

"Uh hi" I said giggling

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"Uh hi" I said giggling. "Oh hi" he said smiling. "So what's your name?" I asked. "Not telling... what's yours?" He asked me. "Well uh-uhhhh" i get nervous around boys. All boys not just boys that are cute but he's both. "Her names Ariana and mines Crystal" Crystal said speaking up for me. "Those are very pretty names" he said smiling. "Ya know it's hard to find nice boys on here like you" I said trying to act cool. "Haha yeah most guys are horny when they come on here. I come on here to meet people" he say giggling a little. "Do you have a Snapchat by chance?" Crystal asked grabbing my phone. ""Uh yeah it's EmoGod9... don't judge it was made awhile back" he said smiling. She typed it into my phone. "Thanks so much" she said. He grabbed his phone and added us back. "So how old are you guys" he asked. "Well I'm 19 and she's 18" I said. I was getting comfortable around him even though I've never met him. "Oh I'm 20 so we're around the same ages" he said giggling. "Dude come on we gotta film that video for YouTube" a voice from behind The boy said. "Okay Colby tell everyone I'll be there in a second" he yelled to this Colby dude. He films videos? "Okay guys it was nice talking to ya if you wanna reach me just message me on Snapchat." He said leaving the chat room. "He's cute for you" Crystal said. "Nahh I'm good plus I don't even know where he lives or his name" I said shutting my computer. "Well you can find out. Text himmm" she dragged out. "Nooooo" I said giggling.

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