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Wendy x Reader
From: girlgroupscenario (Tumblr)

“This is where we’re going to stay?”

Eyes wide in fascination, your feet started moving to the huge glass wall that offered a perfect view of the choppy sea outside.

Waves crashing onto the dark sand, a few white pebbles catching your attention as all that sorrounded you was the sound of the water and the curios seagulls flying outside the old cottage.

Wendy joined you by the window, dropping you bags on the carpeted floor, she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, lightly rubbing it to keep you warm.

“It is, my uncle rents a bunch of beach huts on the coast.

I thought it would be nice for our first trip together.”

Turning your head towards her, you pressed a soft kiss on her lips, slowly moving them against hers.

“It’s perfect.”

A huge smile spread on her face at your whispered words, cheeks turning a light pink.

“I’ll go turn the heating on, you take the bags to the bedroom upstairs.

Are you okay with takeaway for dinner?”

You nodded excitedly, pressing one last peck to Wendy’s lips before starting to explore the hut.

You sighed in content before moving the empty takeaway bag from your lap to the floor, relaxing into the soft king size sofa that you had discovered on the balcony upstairs.

Your body pressed against Wendy’s, blankets thrown to the side due to her discovering how the outside heater worked.

The sunset painted the sky hues of orange and purple, sun almost disappearing behind the horizon.

“It’s really pretty.”

Wendy’s eyes moved to your profile, plump lips parted as you took in the view in front of you, soft hair falling down you shoulders, the colours of the sky reflecting in your eyes.

One of her hands gently cupped your face, lips melting against eachother.

There was something different about this kiss.

Something new, something you had been waiting for.

Your mouth opened against hers, tongues meeting passionately, her teeth sunk in your lips as you straddled her lap, one of her hands resting on your bare thigh while the other moved under your shirt, roughly palming your breast through the thin material of your bra.

Eyes closed in pleasure you rocked your hips into her own, eliciting a small whimper of pleasure from her.

“I really want this.”

Your words coming out in struggled breaths as Wendy sucked on your neck, pressing her tongue against the sore spot before kissing it lightly.

“I do too.”

Her light murmur lost against your chest, as your shirt now somehow laid on the floor.

It felt like a second had passed and you were both in your underwear, Wendy hovering above you, your legs wrapped around her hips, roughly grinding against her.

Your girlfriend’s face was red, lips parted and eyebrows knitted together as she finally removed your bra.

Her lips making there way to your stimulated buds.

A series of groans left Wendy as she pinned your hips to the sofa, interrupting your excited movements.

Time stopped for a second.

Wendy’s dark eyes staring into your own, transmitting to you all her emotions.

You weakly nodded as her fingers moved your underwear towards your ankles, before kicking them off completely.

There you were,

Unapologetically you,

Underneath her.

You had never been more beautiful in Wendy’s opinion.

Two of her fingers plunged inside of you.

Eyes shut, mouth open in pleasure,

Your head rolled back completely exposing your neck, a strangled moan leaving your body.

Wendy’s soft lips met your pulse point, her fingers rapidly moving in and out of you, thumb roughly pressing down on your clit.

The slick sounds of your center and the cries of your girlfriend’s name were almost enough to push Wendy off the edge.

One of her hands disappeared inside her panties, roughly stimulating herself.

Curse words left your mouth together with Wendy’s name as your walls tightened around her.

One last loud breath and you finally released.

Eyes rolling to the back of your skull, body shaking underneath Wendy as she also came with you, a loud moan accompanying her orgasm.

She pulled out her fingers and fell next you.

Sweaty bodies tangled with each other.

Both out of breath.

You grabbed a sheet from next to and wiped the juices away from between your legs, doing the same for Wendy as she nuzzled her nose against your neck.

As exhaustion took over your senses you heard the last mumbled words coming from your girlfriend against your neck, chest warming at her sweet tone.

“I really think I might love you Y/N.”

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