You had never done anything like this in your life, you considered yourself someone with a pretty good sense of self preservation. You did not like doing things that put your life, or your well being in danger. You rarely drank, never smoked, and limited your adventure to things where the chance of dying was very little to nonexistent. So, you had no idea how you ended up here. Actually, scratch that. You knew exactly how you ended up where you were, you turned to look at the group of friends standing behind you, one too many shots and one too many friends who just had one too many bad ideas lead you here.You being strapped into a harness, a giant cliff hanging over you as you stared up to the top where the rest of your group of friends were shouting encouraging messages to you. You looked back to the girl who was strapping you to the harness,“So, this won’t kill me will it.” You asked for the tenth time.
“Not once in my career has anyone died from rock climbing.” She assured you with a slight laugh.
“But that’s not a no?”
She chuckled again and patted your back reassuringly,“I’ll be just behind you, you fall and I catch you okay?”
You nodded a bit and began to climb up, you heard an odd click in your harness. You looked down at the ground that was slowly getting farther away,
“This sounds weird.”
“You’re about halfway there too late to turn back now!”
You nodded a bit and took another step before you heard another clip and before you could process what was happening you felt yourself falling and hitting the ground, a unexplainable sound that made your stomach turn. You looked down and slowly took in the weird angle of your leg as blood rushed down it.
“That is, truly disgusting.”
And that, that is how you ended up here. In the ER, as someone bandaged up your leg. You were shaking your head at yourself, how you could let yourself be convinced into doing something so stupid. Of course, the one time something like this happens it happens to you because who else would this happen to. Your attention was pulled from your thoughts as the doctor helping you had finished up. You thanked them before they let Wendy in. She stood in the doorway and looked at you for a moment, opening her mouth a few times before just shaking her head as she took a few steps to sit next to you.
“What the hell were you thinking?”
You shrugged,“You know, I have been sitting here this whole time wondering the exact same thing. And I think I finally have an answer.”
She nodded a bit, “That is?”
“I was not thinking.” You said, before picking up the crutches and standing up, “I had too many shots and I have not learned how to respectfully say no to people.”
She just shook her head and laughed again, grabbing your bag and following you out,
“So is this who are now? Is my girlfriend an adventurer?”
“I’m not leaving the house for the rest of the week.” You muttered, watching a wide smile spread across her face.

Wendy Oneshot
FanfictionRed Velvet Wendy's Oneshot / Imagines Wendy × Reader Wendy × Members Wendy × Other Kpop Idols