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Wendy x Reader
From: revelwrittenscenes (Tumblr)

Note: This is a bit cheesy; consider yourself warned!

After a long day of shopping, going to the movies, eating your favorite fast food, buying ice cream sundaes, and taking a walk through the park, you and Wendy found yourselves curled up on your bed watching some cheesy romance movie you had randomly picked.

You yawned. Wendy, who was curled up against your side, chuckled softly.

“Is the movie that boring?” she asked jokingly. “I told you we should have watched a horror movie instead.” You tilted your head to give her your “are-you-serious-you-know-I-was-scarred-as-a-child” look, making her smile that perfect smile that you loved.

“It’s not the movie, Wendy. I’m just a bit tired after doing so much today.”

“At least it was fun!” She quipped, then proceeded to wrap her arm around your waist, wanting to snuggle closer. You both turned your attention back to the movie, where the two lovestruck characters were currently proclaiming their love for each other, then proceeding to passionately embrace and kiss.

Usually, you didn’t care for this type of movie. However, you were feeling a bit emotional tonight; you didn’t know if it was because of the very late hour of a very busy day, or because of the sweet, beautiful girl you were currently holding in your tired arms.

You supposed it must have been both.

To your surprise, an unexpected tear fell from your eye, silently landing on Wendy’s cheek. Confused, she looked up at you and you quickly tried to wipe it away. Not quickly enough, because her wide eyes were now looking at you worryingly.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, concern filling her voice. “Are you OK?”

“Yeah…yeah, I’m fine,” you murmured, a bit embarrassed. “It…It’s just this movie.”

“What about it? Romance movies are supposed to be cheesy, not sad.” She said, brushing her hand over your cheek. You sniffed.

“I was just thinking about how lucky I was to find you.” Her gaze softened at your words and she waited for you to continue.

“Before meeting you, I didn’t believe I would ever be able to share myself so completely with someone. My secrets, my fears, or my worries.” You turned your gaze to look her in the eyes. With an unreadable expression, she returned your stare. “I couldn’t imagine ever being this happy.”

Wendy was silent for a moment. Then, she began to smile. And giggle.

“Oh, Y/N. Are you really that tired?” She asked with a teasing grin.

You sighed.

“…Yes.” With a small smile of your own, you reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her face.

You took a moment to look at her, your girlfriend of 3 years. Her nose, her cheeks, her lips, her eyes. She was perfect, really.

As if knowing she was being scrutinized, Wendy promptly hid her face in your neck, mumbling something against your skin.


“What was that?”

Quietly, she leaned up and placed a quick kiss on your cheek. She chuckled at the confused look that had appeared on your face.

“I love you too, Y/N.” With a content sigh, you gave her a kiss of your own.

What a perfect end to a perfect day, you thought to yourself. You felt so happy you could cr-

“Y/N, don’t cry!”

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