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© rvsins

hands push at joohyun’s head. seungwan’s whines are broken up by her breathless panting.

“hyun-ah— stop.”

if she doesn’t then seungwan’s going to… and she can’t. not so soon. not again. she pleads with the older girl.

“please..” her breath hitches. her eyebrows furrow as she tries desperately to keep her orgasm at bay. but joohyun is unrelenting. her tongue works persistently. joohyun’s determined nature is no different in the bedroom. it was seungwan’s undoing.

seungwan bites down hard on her knuckle to keep herself from screaming joohyun’s name. her thighs tremble on either side of joohyun’s head as pleasure wracks her body and her other hand digs into the bedsheets. admidst her haze, she feels the warmth of joohyun’s hand covering her own and it settles something deep within her heart.

when she comes down from her high, seungwan opens her eyes to find joohyun frowning down at her finger. her teeth left a deep imprint when she bit down. she doesn’t even mind the throbbing pain that she’s finally starting to register in her finger because how adorable joohyun looks with that concerned quirk in her brows. seungwan raises one of her own when joohyun starts to lean down. the older girl presses soft kisses against the red marks and seungwan melts. giddiness rushes through her as affection wraps her up in a warm blanket.

all of a sudden, joohyun runs her tongue over the sore digit and seungwan is vividly reminded of what that same tongue did just moments earlier. seungwan’s cheeks flush deep red and she tries to tuck her head in in embarrassment. she curses herself for being so weak in the face of joohyun’s ministrations.

seungwan can hear her girlfriend laughing softly above her and seungwan’s cheeks burn hotter. they’ve talked about this before and joohyun knows how ashamed seungwan of her lack of endurance. joohyun nuzzles herself in to press kisses against seungwan’s cheeks now, preventing her from her seclusion.

“it’s okay, baby. this just means i get my turn sooner.”

joohyun laughs at her girlfriend’s expense and seungwan buries her face in the crook of joohyun’s neck, determined to stay hidden there for the rest of her life. joohyun pulls seungwan into a hug and rolls them a bit so they’re on their sides. like that, joohyun keeps teasing her girlfriend until seungwan finds a way to shut her up.

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