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From: girlgroupscenario

Summary:Fluff//Special valentine’s day request. Promise ring.

Valentine’s day was a week away. Your best friend Wendy was not excited as she was spending this Valentine’s day alone. This year it was going to be hard for her as her boyfriend broke up with her on Valentine’s day. You were not going to let her be alone.

Ever since you’ve known Wendy you have always felt some kind of attraction to her. You didn’t know if she felt it too but you have never stopped loving her.
You decided that every day you would post a letter through her door telling her one thing you loved about her. On the last day, which was Valentine’s day, you were going to give her a ring. A promise that no matter what happened you always loved her.

Your first letter was written and you had taken it to her dorm. You held it tightly to your chest before pushing it through her letter box. You quickly ran back to your car before anyone came to collect it. You started the ignition and began to pull away just as someone opened the front door.
“Wendy!” Seulgi shouted out. “There’s a letter here for you.” She called out, opening the door to check if anyone was there.
“Who’s it from?” Wendy asked confused.
“I don’t know. Read it, I’m sure you’ll find out.” Seulgi said, handing the letter to Wendy.
The letter had Wendy’s name on the front with a little red heart drawn next to it. She recognised the handwriting but she couldn’t tell from where. She opened it up and unfolded the piece of paper.
It read ‘Dear Wendy, I couldn’t tell you this in person as I wouldn’t know how to tell you. Over the next week you will get more letters telling you how much I love you and want to be with you. I hope you feel the same way as you are very special to me and I would never want to lose you. You mean the world to me. I’m sorry this letter is short but I’ve never really been good with words. Just know that I care for you very much. Love your secret Valentine.’

She hadn’t felt so loved in a long time. It may not have been much but it meant a lot to her. She couldn’t wait for more.
Every day you met up with Wendy, she told you about every letter she had gotten. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to hide your feelings. You could see how much she loved the letters and was desperate to know who was sending them. But today was the last day.
You had gotten dressed up in a denim skirt matched with a sweater and boots. She always complemented you when you dressed like this so you knew she would like it.

You knocked on her door hiding the little box behind your back.
“Hey, Y/N. What are you doing here? I thought you had a date.” Wendy said as soon as she opened the door.
“I do have a date. With you.” You said trying to remain calm.
“What are you talking about?” Wendy asked confused.
“I sent you those letters. I didn’t know how to tell you so that was my best idea. Please don’t push me away. I really really love you.” You said looking away from her. You pulled the box out from behind you. “I bought you a present.” You said handing her the box. You only looked at her hands.
She slowly opened the box to find the beautiful heart shaped ring. Her jaw dropped and no words escaped her mouth.

“It’s a promise ring. It’s like my weird way of saying I promise I will always love you.” You looked up and into her eyes. She stared into them for a moment before looking back down at the ring. She caught a glimpse of the exact same ring on your right hand. She took it out of the box and placed it on her hand, the same finger as yours. You let out a sigh of relief and pulled her into a hug.
“You should’ve told me sooner. I’ve always loved you too.” She said pulling away a little and looking into your eyes.
“Really?” you queried.

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