Amazing Plan

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© sgscenarios

It had been around half a year since you and Seungwan had adopted a sweet, six year old girl named Yerim.

It was nothing like how you and Seungwan had imagined when you two were planning out your life as a family. After only half a year, you had come to a conclusion that Yerim was the devil incarnate. She was clingy and only clingy to Seungwan; she hadn’t grown to like you yet, only sticking to Seungwan and doing whatever she could to make you feel jealous. Ever since she came into your life, you and Seungwan barely had time to spend together. The only time when you two were together were when Yerim had finally decided to sleep, and you two would retreat back into your room, catching each other up on your lives while in bed.

It never did last long though, because taking care of a six year oldㅡ a social butterfly and hyper kid at that tooㅡ took a toll on your bodies, and after only about five minutes of talking, you two would be knocked out.

You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss having Seungwan all to yourself. As much as you tried to help her out with Yerim, Seungwan would still be dead tired at the end of the day, leaving no time for you at all.

With all the newfound free time you hadㅡ save for caring after Yerim when Seungwan was at workㅡ you had spent most of your days laying in bed on your phone, at the couch with video games, or, if you were feeling fancy, on the swinging bench on the balcony of your apartment.

This was one of those fancy times. You were out on the bench, gently swinging yourself back and forth, taking in the sunshine and fresh air. It wasn’t long before you were joined by someone, taking your eyes off of the sunset to turn to the new arrival. To your surprise, it was Yerim.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your mommy?” you asked, a smile on your face.

Yerim just settled into the bench as she talked, eyes on the plants placed around the balcony. “Newsflash, you’re my mom too.”

This was a sassy six year old.

“Anyways, why are you out here and not in there with mom?” Yerim turned to you, hand tugging on your loose shirt.

“Because,” you started, “She was with you.”

“Oh.” she said, looking down for a bit before turning back to you. “Yeah, I’ve noticed that. And so, I’ve made an amazing plan.”

To this, you raised a brow and leaning in, interested.. “Oh? And what is that amazing plan?”

“You see,” she started, “You’re going to carry me to my room, because I’ll be fake asleep. You tell her that I fell asleep out here, so you’re taking me in, and then, after you close my door, you can have all the free time you want with her!”

“That’s a great plan, coming from a six year old too.” You nodded, but then stopped. “Wait. What’s in it for you?”

“Can’t I just be a nice kid for once?”

“You’re a smart kid. I know that wasn’t all of your amazing plan.”

“I see you understand me. What’s in it for me?” She grinned, “Only the bag of chocolate glazed mini donuts in the cabinet.”

You grinned, happy to help her. Seungwan would never let Yerim have to whole bag, but you weren’t Seungwan. “Consider that a done deal. I’ll drop you off before smuggling the donuts in.”

If there was any way Yerim’s grin could have gotten bigger, it did. She then raised her arms, ‘I’m ready if you’re ready.”

You stood from the bench and then picked her up, feeling her go limp in your hold, adding more weight to carry. This kid, you thought to yourself before walking inside. You passed by Seungwan who was sitting on the couch before stopping at the hallway entrance and turning back to her. “Yerim fell asleep outside. I’m just going to go put her to bed.”

You continued on your way, and before you knew it, you arrived at her room. You playfully threw her onto her bed, laughing. “I’ll be back with your bag of donuts.”

You quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbing the donuts and a couple juice boxes before going back to Yerim’s room. Luckily, you weren’t caught by Seungwan. Once you got back to Yerim’s room, you set the snacks onto her nightstand.

“Knock yourself out, kiddo. Also grabbed you some juice boxes in case you got thirsty, and as a thanks for letting me have some time with her.”

She smiled back at you, “No problem. I needed the donuts and would have done anything.”

You closed the door to her room and made your way to the living room, plopping down on the couch with Seungwan. You immediately clung onto her arm and rested your head on her shoulder. “I missed you, Seungwan.”

She laid her head on yours, moving one of your hands so that she could lace your fingers together. “I know, I missed you too. It’s just with work and taking care of Yerim.. Both of those leave little time for you, and I’m sorry.”

At that, you sat up and turned towards her. You took her hands and firmly held them in her lap, thumb rubbing circles. “Seungwan, don’t be sorry. I knew that  it’d happen. I knew that going into thisㅡ having a family.”

“What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person like you in my life?” She smiled and leaned in, resting her head on your shoulder. “I love you,”

“I should be asking you that.” You  chuckled and placed a kiss on her hair, “I love you too.”

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