In This Moment

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The door slammed shut behind you as you shoved it roughly. It had not been a good day.

You plopped down on the couch in your living room, quickly taking off your jacket and throwing it across the room.

“That son-of-a-” You cut off midsentence, pausing to listen for any sounds that would indicate Wendy was home. You didn’t want your sweet girlfriend to hear your sudden, angry outburst.

Apart from the regular hum of the refrigerator, you didn’t hear anything.

You groaned, leaning your head back against the couch. You stared up at the ceiling, contemplating the events of the past week.

First, your boss had reprimanded you, saying you should “try to be more like Hyun-shik,” your coworker. But you knew this guy only behaved when the boss was around; he was condescending and manipulative the rest of the time.

Second, because of Hyun-shik’s choice words to the boss about you, your hours had been reduced. While it still hadn’t really affected you or Wendy, if this continued you’d have a difficult time keeping up with all the bills.

And finally, the biggest cloud over your head, you’d just had this sense of hopelessness lately. Was it ever going to get better?

Was it even worth it?

You shut your eyes tightly, not wanting to drown in these unwanted thoughts right now. Instead you began to hum mindlessly, mostly to calm yourself.

You felt a light touch against your shoulder. You stiffened, before hearing Wendy’s soft voice.

“Hey.” You opened your eyes to find her standing over you, behind the couch.

She leaned down to kiss your forehead. “How was work?”

You didn’t answer right away, choosing instead to raise then lower your shoulders in a small shrug.

“Well, work is work, right?”

Wendy studied your face for a moment, before turning to make her way around the couch.

She stopped in front of you, pausing to reach for the phone in her pocket. She tapped on the screen a few times, until happy, cheerful music began to play from the speaker.

She held out her hand, putting the phone down on the table in the center of the room. You looked at her questioningly. She chuckled, before leaning forward and grabbing your hand. She pulled you to your feet.

Grabbing both your hands, she began to slightly bounce her body to the rhythm of the music, shimmying here and there while pulling you along with her.

“Wendy, what are you-“

“Just dance with me, Y/N!” She giggled. She shuffled her feet in short, funny movements, all the while looking at you with a goofy face.

Slowly, a smile began to form on your lips.

Oh, what the hell, you thought.

You copied Wendy’s moves, instantly feeling foolish but not caring at that moment. There was just you, the music, and this silly girl you loved.

Once the song was over, you both paused to catch your breath. You giggled every time she met your eyes and she did the same.

As the high from the dancing faded, she reached for your arms, placing them securely around her waist. She slowly wrapped her arms around yours too, pulling you closer to her until your foreheads pressed against each other.

You swayed back and forth silently, simply enjoying each other’s presence.

Reveling in the safety and security of Wendy’s warm embrace, you let your mind drift to happy things. Gone were the negative thoughts from before, if only temporarily.

Wendy nuzzled your cheek with her own, coming closer to murmur something into your ear.

“I love you, Y/N.”

She rested her chin on your shoulder, holding you even closer to her, if that was possible.

“I have faith in you. It’ll be alright.” She paused. “You’ll be alright.”

In that moment, with her in your arms, you believed her.

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