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You had no intention of finding out and she hadn’t had any intention of telling you. You had noticed something was up of course, she kept dodging your date ideas. That of course worried you, how could it not. You wondered if there was something wrong with the relationship, if she wanted it to end, and almost every other possibility as to why your girlfriend was no longer interested in going on dates.

You had a plan though, a final, last ditch effort to show her how much you cared for her. You had the whole thing planned out, a special date taking her to all her favorite places, with all her favorite foods. You wouldn’t give her any prep time either, you had talked to Irene and gotten her to let you take Wendy out of practice early just for this. You remembered the odd reaction Irene had given you when you told her the plan, before she hesitantly agreed to it. None of her actions had really reassured you and at this point you were fairly certain you were leading yourself to your own breakup. Actually, you had a tiny speech prepared just in case that did happen. You had spent all night before talking it through and memorizing it.
Your hands were shaking slightly as you thanked the man for selling you flowers. You handed him the cash and took the bouquet from him. The smooth feel of plastic between your hands as you walked to the dorms. You earned weird looks as you mumbled the words you had prepared to say. You stopped yourself when the dorm was within your eyesight.

“Breath Y/N.” you thought to yourself repeatedly. You hadn’t felt this nervous since your first date. The memories of that night played out in your head and you swore to yourself that you could see a younger version of you and Wendy standing outside of the building right now.

You took a deep breath and waited for a few more moments, giving yourself time to calm down, before closing the gap between you and the building in front of you. You texted Wendy and let her know you were outside. A few moments passed before the door to the building swung open and you were greeted by your girlfriend, a wide smile adorned her face as she looked at you.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, letting you in,

“Practice isn’t over for a few hours.”

“I know.” You said, you felt calmer when you were with her, her presence distracted you from whatever was on your mind.

“I talked to Joohyun, and I’m taking you out.” Wendy’s eyes widened, almost unnoticeably

“What do you mean?”

“I figured that we hadn’t been out in awhile, so I planned something I thought you’d like.” You said, offering a smile,

“we do kind of have a schedule though, so we should get going.”

“I don’t know if I can get away from practice Y/N…” Wendy said, her voice was careful as she spoke, not wanting to sound mean.

“You can, I already talked to Joohyun about it.” You repeated. You smiled and leaned forward and pecked her lips lightly. “C'mon, let’s go.”

Wendy sighed, and nodded, finally giving in and letting you guide her to the first stop. You had set everything up the same way you had set it up when you first told her you loved her. You sat down and patted the spot next to you. You opened up a basket, the one you had had your friend make just for this.

You held the basket out to your girlfriend, “It’s got all your favorites. Just like-”

“I remember.” Wendy said softly. She smiled and looked through it, setting it down after a moment, “Okay tell me. What’s all this for?”

“Just missed spending time with you.” You said, you wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into your side. You two spent the next few moments, looking over the water in silence. You looked at the basket again, frowning slightly when you realized none of the food had been touched. You looked at her for a moment before quietly deciding to be the first one to talk, “Is everything okay?”

Wendy looked at you, “Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Its just, we haven’t hung out in such a long time, and you’re not eating. I guess I’m just wondering if we’re okay.” You asked. She looked at you and frowned, leaning forward and hugged you tightly.

“Of course we’re okay.” She said gently. She pulled away and looked at you, “The company just put me on a diet, so I’ve just been avoiding going out to eat. I didn’t want you to worry about me that’s all.”

You stood up and offered her a hand, “Well let’s go to the market, I’ll get you food you can eat.”

Wendy smiled and stood up, letting you walk her to the supermarket. “Okay, let’s get some apples.”

“What else?” You asked, picking some up for her.

“Pumpkin juice.” Wendy stated.

“No, I mean like food.” You clarified.

“That’s why I said apples.” She said, picking up a few bottles of pumpkin juice before walking away.

You walked back to your apartment, and set the paper bags down. She picked up an apple and flopped onto the couch, biting into it and flipping through the t.v. channels. You watched her for a moment before putting everything away.

“Something on your mind?” Wendy asked, turning to look at you, “You’re being really quiet, it’s starting to freak me out.”

“You need to eat something- no, I mean something real.” You said, waving your hand dismissively as she lifted up the apple core. “This isn’t healthy, if you continue eating like this you’ll make yourself sick.”

“I don’t really have a choice, it’s something my company is making me do. If I don’t do it I could lose my job.” She said.

“You won’t be able to do your job if you’re sick!” You exclaimed. There were a lot of things that you would be willing to compromise on, but this time it seemed like she wasn’t understanding just how serious this was.

“I do not have a choice, and the last thing I need to deal with is you getting pissed at me for it!” She said, standing up and storming into your shared bedroom, the sound of a door slamming followed shortly after she went.

You sighed and leaned back against the wall, tangling a hand into your hair. You went through your phone and scrolled through it, needing a moment to calm down. You walked forward and knocked quietly on the door, before pushing it open.

“I know you’re mad at me.” You said quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed, facing away from Wendy and directing your gaze to the wall. “But I’m just worried about you. I love you, I don’t want to see you starving yourself.”

“I’m sorry.” She said softly, pushing herself forward till the edge of the bed. She wrapped her arms around your waist and leaned her head on your shoulder. “I’ll talk to my manager, and see if I can go off of it. I love you too.”

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