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~3rd perosn p.o.v.~

Y/N's alarm rings at exactly 6:35 AM...She stretches her body and puts on her glasses.
Since she doesn't want to be bullied she has some more fashionable ones...And yes,you guessed it,she's a nerd...but a pretty one

She puts on her school uniform and brushes her teeth,hair and goes to her kitchen to eat breakfast which was made by her mother-Kira

Kira is a single mom and she works in the hospital,so being a single mom isn't as hard...She loves Y/N with all of her heart and would do anything for her

There was a note next to her breakfast saying:
'have a great day at school sweety'
Y/N smiles at her mother's cute note and eats ger breakfast

And when she finished,she put on her shoes and took her bag to go to the bus stop

Listening to EXO's soft songs such as Promise,My turn to cry,Moonlight and so on was her everyday morning routine...it made her calm down and get ready for the long day in school...

She gets on the bus and luckily it's not full at all...actually it's quite empty so she could sit down and enjoy the view of Seoul

She was looking out of the window and she sees a new store for clothes and make-up as well as a new store for medicine that says
Her eyes lit up and she takes a good look
The poster said the store officially opened at 8 PM...so she decided she would check out how many people there would be when school ended...if there weren't a lot she would stay there and wait for the store to open...The medicine would come in handy for her mother since she gets sick quite often

And when she saw her stop in the distance-she takes her bag and stands up,getting ready to leave the bus and walk into the halls of high school

Irene:"Hey Y/N!!"
"Hey Irene!!

Irene:"Hey Y/N!!""Hey Irene!!

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Meet Irene.Y/N's best friend...she's a nerd as well but a bit more popular...she's quite the heartthrob but she knows Y/N from kindergarten so she won't leave her side.

Irene:"How was your morning?"
"Like the usual you know...woke up,streched,got dressed and ate..."
Irene:"yeah same here...let's go in shall we?"
"Yeah let's go"

They walk inside and greet the guards and the teachers then they separate to get to their lockers

By the mean time on the other side of school was a boy that looks very innocent,nice and funny,smoking.

He was waiting for his friends and trying to remember some equation he needed to get at least a D in math today.It wasn't going that well but he didn't really care.

The smoking kid-Haechan-turns around and greets his friend with a small smile
Hyuck:"hey Injun...where are Nomin?"
Renjun:"they're making out by the corner and I got annoyed since they were taking so long,so I came without them"
Renjun:"should we just go in without them?"
Hyuck:"it wouldn't hurt to not be late for once"

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