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Quickly walking down the street,Y/N was trying to be as fast as she could to be in the first 100 customers

She finally arrives there and she wanted to count how many people there were,but she stopped since there was no one there

She smiles to herself and walks faster towards the store...it was 4 PM and she would have to wait 4 more hours untill the store opens...but free medicine comes in really handy when your mother is a nurse and you're not exactly the healthiest person out there...
Yes,she has asthma but it isn't that severe to the point she could die if she doesn't take her medicine asap

But across the street was a boy Y/N knew well enough...The only problem is,she can see him and he's smoking...
'so Irene was right'
She decides to ignore him but much to her plan,he was walking towards her

Hyuck:"hey Y/N!!"
Hyuck:"what brings you here this early??"
"I came here after school so I can get some medicine since it's free"
Hyuck:"oh really??me too"
"What a coincidence"
Hyuck:"well we can wait together...maybe get to know eachother"
"Sure,that would be nice"it actually would was what she thought

Hyuck:"so...tell me about your parents"
"Oh...umm..well my mom is a nurse....and she is the only person taking care of me...I love her a lot and if anythi happened to her,I probably wouldn be the same"
Hyuck:"I have a single parent too....but my dad takes care of me...well...puts up with me"
"Oh really?Can I ask what happened?"
Hyuck:"she died...in a car crash..."
"I'm sorry"
Yet the male doesn't look affected at all
Hyuck:"mind sharing yours?"
"Uhm...well my dad cheated on mom...and she found out and left him,taking full care of me"
Hyuck:"sorry about your dad"
"Nah...he was not really a father figure for me anyway so I'm not affected as much"
Hyuck:"that's good!That means you're strong"

There was a momemt of silence until the boy spoke up
Hyuck:"so how long have yiu known that Irene girl?"
"Well...we were best friends in kindergarten but then got separated in middle school and when we saw eachother again here in high school we instantly clicked again and now were inseparable"
The male just hums in response
"What about you?Your friends?You said you had a boyfriend?"
Hyuck:"...well I've known Jeno since we were 3 years old...we've been by each other's side since then and we probably are never ginna lose contact...while Jaemin met us two in the first year of middle school and well...Jeno and him fell in love and they've been together for almost 10 years now"
"Oh wow...that's the strongest relationship I can thunk of"
Hyuck:"yeah...they're made for eachother..."
"What about the other two males??"
Hyuck:"well...uhm...okay so there was this exchange student from Canada...he was really cute and nice and easy to talk to...his name was Mark Lee and I though he was the one already...I wanted to be just like the Nomin couple with him and we did start dating a week after he came...we were inseparable just like Nomin at first...but then he met another dude,Lucas and he was hanging out with him more and more to the point he broke up with me...actually I broke up with him...he was so distant and I hated it....when I asked him if he wanted to go on a date he would always say hes already out with that dude...I of course was sad and I cried...but a boy came to me and asked me what's wrong and we talked...it was Renjun...he was a new student from China that came in just that day...And lastly I met YangYang at a club"
"A school club??"
Oh what an innocent child Haechan thought
Hyuck:"no...like club club...like drinking,smoking,dancing..."

Of course she felt a bit scared of the male but since he just shared his story to her,he can't be that bad right?...

He smirks then out of nowhere he traps Y/N between the wall and him making her squeal in surprise
"W-what are you d-do-doing?"she was scared for her life
Hyuck:"listen to me baby girl...I don't know how you can be so pure and innocent at this age but it's bugging me...why can't you just be a bit more tough"
"I-Im sorry?"
Hyuck:"don't be...cuz I'm gonna help you"
"You're gonna what?"
Hyuck:"help you...become at least a little more not-innocent..."
Hyuck:"I just think you should join our gang"
"I have Irene and that's all I need"
Hyuck:"she's not always gonna be by your side you know..."
"I know..."
Hyuck:"but once you're in our gang,you won't ever be alone...we're commited,loyal and whatever happens,we protect eachother no matter the consequences"
The female was getting quite annoyed by being trapped...so the first thing that came to her mind was kick him

And so she did,shocking the male
She got startled by those words...she only heard those words come out of one persons mouth...and that was her dad
"Don't.Ever.Trap me.Between a wall.Ever again"
He smirks
Hyuck:"good girl...keep the act up and you'll be ready by the end of the semester"

Good thing there's only an hour left of waiting untill the store opens and other people start to arrive

But the only thing in the male's head is how she just snapped and kicked his knee,which hurt like a bitch,then threatened him...she's learning fast

The smirk was very visible and it just wouldn't want to disappear and the young female could see it and was just shocked by what she did

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