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~Hyuck p.o.v.~
Hyuck:"Guys I need HELP!!"I quickly run to the living room and see everyone almost dead.
Jeno:"what's up?"he says so casually it makes me scared to ruin their moods
Hyuck:"Idk if she's just pretending but I highly doubt it...But Y/N's gone bad...really bad..."
Yang:"if this is dome lame joke you're not fooling us"
Baek:"well he's fooling me"he says looking behind me...we all see Y/N

She actually looks so hot right now...she put on some dark make-up and made two buns at the top of her head...

she put on some dark make-up and made two buns at the top of her head

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(Without the glasses)

maybe the new Y/N isn't a bad thing

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maybe the new Y/N isn't a bad thing

Irene:"morning Y/N"
But she just kept walking to the kitchen...
Jeno:"this could still be a joke..."
Hyuck:"yeah but I'm your best friend and you can read my face too quickly...I'M NOT FUCKING JOKING"
They all grow silent...
Jaemin:"he's right...I don't think Y/N would sware just for a prank..."
Irene:"of course she wouldn't...she's a good girl"
Hyuck:"so you believe me??"
They sadly nod
Irene:"I don't want this Y/N...I want my best friend back...and as soon as possible please"


~your p.o.v.~
Fuck my head hurts so much.All those colors made me blind I'm possitive.
But why is everyone so shocked at my look?Don't I look good today?I think I look hot.

I made myself some breakfast since I'm hungry as shit and my stomach is so loud.

I turn around and see him smiling at me...
Hyuck:"how are you?"
"If you're talking about the kiss then forget it...I didn't know what I was doing and I'm pretty sure you didn't ass well"
I'm lying of course...Of course I liked the kiss and I meant it...I just hope he did as well...I really like him but now I don't think it would be a good thing to be together
Hyuck:"I liked it.A lot.And I'm 100% you liked it too and you're just acting bcs you don't to be a thing and I respect that...but why did you change?"
"I changed?"
"What was I like?"
Hyuck:"you were a nice,cute smart girl and now you don't even greet your best friend"
"What are you talking about?"
Hyuck:"can you remember anything?"
"I can remember dancing and kissing you...then I don't have a clue what happened...then again I remember dancing with you"

They all run in...what's happening

~3rd person p.o.v.~
When they all come in they can feel the weird aura and it makes them uncomfortable.
Hyuck:"she only rememberes things when she was drunk...then she wasn't drunk anymore when we kissed...but when we went back to dancing she was drunk again"
Baek:"that's very rare...it only happens to people with perfect memory...when they get alcohol in their system they feel weird and they only go back to being themselves for a short time if their heart starts beating fast...for about 10 minues?Then the brain naturally forgets it and they have no idea what happened when they weren't drunk...for their whole life..."he finishes off and looks confused"don't tell me she has-"
"What are you talking about and why do you know this?"
Baek:"Before I went to music academy,I was going to medical school...always good to have a backup job...but that's not important right now!"
Jeno:"Haechan kiss her"
Hyuck:"huh?"they say at the same time
Jeno:"proving something here...just do it"

He hesitates at first but then grabs Y/N's chin and pulls her closer to him.
Her heart beat suddenly increased and before she could look away,she felt a soft pair of lips on hers.
They moved in synch and they wanted to continue but were interrupted by a cough.
They pull away and both blush madly.

Let's give it a try
Baek:"hey Y/N"
"Oh hey Baekhyun!!!"she smiles widely at him
Irene:"hey"she smiles sadly
"What's wrong?!!"she runs to her"ouch...my head"
Irene:"you're gone..."she says quietly
"What do you mean?"she asks confused
Jaemin:"Y/N...I'm sorry"
Renjun:"It's all our fault"
Jeno:"we shouldn't have let you drink"
Yang:"if we only didn't let you"
It falls silent at his yells

Y/N starts crying unknowingly.Haechan sees it and hugs her tightly
Hyuck:"don't be scared.Nothing's wrong but we need to bring you to the doctor.Soon"
Hyuck:"something's wrong with your brain"
And the girl stiffens.
"Why are you hugging me?"she says rudely and everyone knew what it meant.
Haechan let's her go and sees her eyes look dead and mean.
Hyuck:"how do you feel?"
"Why would you care?Stop kissing me"
She's back.

Baek:"you're going to the doctors with us.Right now."
"Why would I do that when I can stay here and do nothing?"
Jeno:"you're coming with us.Now shut up"
"Okay tiger.But only bcs you're hot"
Jaemin:"EXCUSE ME?!?!??"He wantes to run at her but Jeno grabbed him by the waist
Jeno:"she's not herself...Don't worry to much babe"
Jaemin breathes out heavily and glares at Y/N
"You're not bad either okay?"

Oh Y/N,what happened to you?

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