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~your p.o.v.~
I felt like someone was shaking me and I realized I fell asleep on Donghyuck's shoulder...I open my eyes and see that it's....
This isn't the couch?
Where am I?
I look to my sides and see Hyuck smiling at me...wow he's so eternal
Hyuck:"good morning"
Hyuck:"I put some pants and a hoddie in the bathroom so you can change and when you come down you can eat breakfast"
"Thank you"i say as I was getting up
Hyuck:"and you should eat more...you're too light"
"Yeah yeah mom"
He just chuckles at me then reminds me to hurry

I go to the bathroom to pee.Jezz.What did I drink?
When I finally finished peeing I changed into the clothes Donghyuck gave me....his mom had a good sense of fashion...he must get that from her

I let my hair fall down my back amd I put my sneakers on

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I let my hair fall down my back amd I put my sneakers on.

I walk down to the kitchen and everyone greets me
"Good morning to you as well"i give them a smile
Hyuck:"so they fit?"
I just nod and sit next to him,my stomach growling

Irene:"you okay?"
"Yeah why?"
Irene:"cuz you're always sticking to Haechan and forgot about me"
Jeno:"he's not any better!!"
Hyuck:"calm down guys...you're just overexaggerating"
Yang:"no,he's right...you guys are getting so clos-"
"Would you just let me eat in peace for fucks sake"
And they all shut up...wow...I'm good.

Baek:"ok guys,hurry or you'll be late...and I don't want to see you causing more trouble"he looks at us like a parent
Hyuck:"yes hyung"
Baek:"good.Now go or I'll kick you out"

"Your cousin is so cool but he's like a parent"
Hyuck:"well when my mother died,he moved in and took care of me instead of my dad...he's never really home but when he is,he either grounds me or just takes my stuff"
That's not a nice way to live
Renjun:"he's the best cousin you could have...but like you can't love someone more than your own family so I love my brother as well"
"You have a brother as well?"
Renjun:"we all do"
I look at them confuses
Yang:"mine takes me to clubs so I'm cool with it"he smiles childishly
Jeno:"mine's so clingy with me it's kinda cute"
Jaemin:"mine works out all the time"
Renjun:"mine's loud as hell"
Hyuck:"I don't have a brother...but I'm happy with Baekhyun Hyung"
"You guys are hella cute...but like we need to hurry"
And we start walking faster towards the school
Irene:"omg I'm gonna ruin my reputation!!I have to run for it!!See you in class!!"she yells as she starts running towards the school
"She's the class president AND she might get an award for never missing a school day or class"
Renjun:"she's amazing"he says,looking luke he had her in his head smiling at him
"Yeah,good luck with that"

We finally arrived to school but we didn't really care if we were late or not...the guys pulled out their cigarettes and a lighter and slowly smoked the tube

Hyuck:"you wanna try?"
...should I?
I kinda do feel like I want to
"Okay yeah"
He passes me the cigarette...but I dont know how to do this....
Hyuck:"just lightly put it on your lips,close your mouth and inhale deeply and exhale slowly"
I just nod at his instructions
Well okay let's see then....

Put it on my lips.
Close my mouth.
...inhale deeply
I start coughing and I couldn't stop
Hyuck:"don't worry,it's bcs it's your first time...we all went threw this"
"It isn't that bad actually"
Hyuck:"that's good"he gives me a smile again
"Can I smoke the whole thing?"
Hyuck:"we can share"
I nod but blush slightly

Renjun:"you two are so in love it's Insane"
Hyuck:"hell no!!"
"No way!!"
We say at the same time and we look at eachother...
Is it just me or did that hurt?
I see something in his eyes?...emotions?Wow he's so beautiful...shit...
Renjun:"yeah sure...just like Irene's not gonna be my wife"
Ouch.That one hurt like a bitch....
Maybe I do like him more than I want to...
But I can't...

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