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Renjun:"he did get out of class with us...so maybe he went to the toilet?"
Hyuck:"he went to Jaemin,I'm 99% sure"
Hyuck:"he's unpredictable"
The female makes a silent 'o'
Irene:"why can't anyone else tutor you?"
Renjun:"am I really that bad?"
Irene:"you smell bad"
Renjun:"I can be even badder"he smirks towards her
She could feel her cheeks heating up a bit but she ignored it,it was probably just bcs they're so close and the air is kind of hot....yeah

Hyuck:"Y/N is going to tutor me so she can't..."
Irene:"what about Jeno?I heard he has good grades"
Hyuck:"and zero time so he's out"
Irene:"ugh fine.The other two are probably dumb as hell so I won't bother"
Renjun:"she's not wrong"
Yang:"nahh she's not"
And everyone chuckles exept for Irene of course

~Jaemin p.o.v.~
I need to go to the bathroom...I nees to do it...I need to harm myself...I just need to...
Why am I so stupid!!
Hormones taking over me...
What a stupid excuse to cheat
I didn't exactly cheat but just the amount of what we did is enough to be ashamed of
I quickly run to the bathroom and found the sharp blade in my secret pocket of my bag

~Jeno p.o.v.~
Since he asked to go the bathroom I could feel something was off...
I just can't look at him right now...

We arrive in class and we all sat down with no problems...but right after Y/N best friend yelled threw the whole class and Y/N stood up for her...ish
And now that she's licked out as well,we all decide to stand up as well
We have grown close in the two-three days and we haven't felt threatened by her in any way possible... So why not have her as a part of the team?
We walk out the class but as soon as I walk out I could hear a voice saying my name...
My stomach staring feeling wrong and of course I know what's wrong

I quickly run towards the toilets,ignoring my friends
He can't do this again

~Jaemin p.o.v.~
I look at myself in the mirror
How could you do this to him?
You love him
And a piece of trash
He should just break up with you
And I put the blade next to my skin...I take a deep breath and make a cut.A deep one.The blood oozing out unstoppably...
Jaemin:"Jeno..."i cry out
Why am I this stupid?
He won't even talk to me
I put the blade to my skin again,next to the already made cut
I drop the blade from the shock
Not bcs I was startled but bcs it's him
He runs towards me,grabs some wipes,puts them under some water and starts wiping my arm silently
He still cares
My heart skips a beat
Jeno:"Jaemin...I love you so much...but I'm not dumb... I know you got this from your father and that it's hard to control yourself sometimes...I also know that you didn't exactly do it with YangYang...but the amount you did was hurtful enough..."
Jaemin:"I know...I'm such a disgusting person...I don't deserve you at all...You deserve so much more than a cheating boyfriend"
Jeno:"Jaemin...remember?I love you...I promised you to protect you.What your parents did is unforgiving and I'm the one who put a stop to it.I'm also the one who cares about you the most in this world.Even if you did make out with YangYang I know it's just the Na hormones...and I'm so thankful for you being patient.I want to make you feel good,I do...but you know I can't."
Jaemin:"y-you're not mad?"
He looks me in the eyes and smiles
Jeno:"I can never be mad at the person I will forever love the most"
I break out and start crying,him hugging me right after
He was drawing little circles on my back,telling me how much he loves me and that it's all gonna be okay.
Jaemin:"How did I get so lucky?"i say between sobs
Jeno:"bcs you deserve the whole world"
And we kiss
Not make out.Kiss.
A real kiss with love.The kiss that gives you butterflies.The kiss you need from the one you love at least a thousand times.
We never really kissed like this.We couldn't.But we are now and it's what's important

We finally break apart and look at eachother with only love
Jeno:"I love you"
Jaemin:"I love you more"
Jeno:"but we should probably get back...oh...we got kicked out again"
Jaemin:"who did?"
Jaemin:"Renjun's future wife?"
They bith giggle and Jeno nods
Jeno:"that girl is probably his only real crush"
Jaemin:"shw doesn't seem to like us thoe"
Jeno:"she's Y/N best friend...she'll need to get used to us around"
Jaemin:"but I hope that ex of hers doesn't cause any trouble"
Jeno:"don't worry...if he does,he's not the only one with a gang"he smirks
Jaemin:"you're scary when you're in gang mode"
Jeno:"and you love it"
Jaemin:"well yeah"they both laugh as they walk out the bathroom with intertwined fingers

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