Renjun:"so whats the plan??"
Hyuck:"okay my people...listen up-"
Teacher:"Lee Donghyuck,Huang Renjun,Lee Jeno and Na were late and you dare to speak?"
Jeno:"oh...are you going to kick us out of class?"
Teacher:"excuse me mister?!!Out!"
The male stands up with all his friends following
Teacher:"why are you all standing up?I only said that to Jeno...YangYang?Why are you going as well?"
Yang:"y'know miss...we have a's all or nothing...if one gets in trouble,we all get in trouble"
And they all walk out of class

Y/N's eyes glow...Haechan wasn't lying when he said they don't give up on one another

She snaps out of her short trance and goes back to listening to the teacher's attept of explaining maths


Teacher:"goodbye class"
As the bell rung the teacher lets the students go home...
Some had lunch first,Y/N being one of them

"Hey Irene,I just have to put these books in my me a seat and if you don't mind could you buy me lunch today?"
Irene:"yeah no problem!"
"Okay...I'll be quick"

The girls seperate,one rushing,one taking her time

Y/N was running to her locker,hungry as hell
??:"hey nerd"
She lookd behind her locker and sees...a girl

a girl

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??:"don't you yes me...who are you and what are you doing hanging out with my boyfriend?!"
"...I'm sorry,but the only person I hang out with is Irene"
??:"what a liar!I saw you with him yesterday and you were flirting with him!"
"I'm sorry...I really don't know what you're talking about"
??:"stay away from my boyfriend or else you're gonna die"
??:"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you"says a familiar voice
Both females turn around and see
Hyuck:"Rosè!What don't you get??!!!I don't like you!We were never together!And we never will,okay?!!"
Hyuck:"you're so desperate yet you know damn well that I never liked you...not even a tiny bit...moving schools won't help you"
Rosè:"what does she have that I don't?!!!??!"
Hyuck:"you're crazy,she's chill...she's nice,you're a whore....want more?"
The girl just storms away annoyed
"Thanks...but who was that?"
Hyuck:"Rosè...she is the biggest whore out there and I don't want you near her,got it?"
The girl just nods,confused by his sudden care
Hyuck:"she was at our old school and we got kicked out after she tried to get rid of Mark but in the end the school caught us smoking,drinking and doing drugs"
The female stiffens at the mention of elegal actions
The male looked at her confused,not understanding the question
"Why do you drink and stuff?"
The boy finally softens...for the first time in his life, someone cares for him apart from his best friends...
Hyuck:"it's a long's...wait no,why am I doing this...forget it...why aren't you at lunch?"
"I had to put some books in my locker"
Hyuck:"don't worry about her...She can't do shit to you while me and the guys are here"he gives her a small smile but then realises what he did and quickly snaps back in
Hyuck:"can we sit at your table from now on?"
"Yeah sure"
The female's cheeks flush a light pink...seeing the male being so nice to her made her feel special

The two walk to the cafeteria in silence with the girl going to her seat immediately while the other went to take his food
"The new kids are gonna sit with us"
The other female chokes on her water
Irene:"first of all why and second how do you know?"
"Cuz I let them"she shrugs lazily
Irene:"Y/N!snap out of it!They're bad news"
"They're nice..."
Her best friend wanted to shout at her again but the presence of 5 other people stopped her
Hyuck:"hello girls"
They sat down and ate quietly
Irene:"didn't I ask you two to NOT EAT EACHOTHERS FACES WHILE I'M EATING?"
The couple breaks apart sulky but they continue to eat their meals in silence

Renjun:"do you guys want to hang out?"
The girls look up and Irene was full on about to turn down the offer
Irene:"no tha-"
"We'd love to"
"I can"
Irene:"No you can't"
"Yes I can"
"Stop making decisions for me!!I can make my own!"
The people at the table all look up surprise at the sudden outburst
Irene:"Fine.I'm going home"
The female stands up sad by her best friend's words and leaves,saying nothing,not even a goodbye

Hyuck:"that was cool"
The female looks at him confused
"Me yelling at my best friend?That seems cool for you?"she was about to get mad
Hyuck:"No.You stood up for yourself...and don't worry we won't go clubbing or anything like that"
Yang:"no clubbing?"
Hyuck:"no alcohol"he looks at YangYang
Yang:"ugh c'mon"
Hyuck:"you can go with your brother but if you want to hang out with us,no alcohol"
Yang:"you know how I am Donghyuck"he says quietly
Hyuck:"but if you wan-"
"'s okay...we can go drink"
They all look at the female shocked
Jaemin:"a-are you sure??"
The female nods
"I've never been drunk...could anyone of you watch out so I don't go overboard?"
Hyuck:"I don't get drunk...I take one or two shots and I'm still I could"
"Thank you"she gives him a smile
Renjun:"it's settled then...we're going clubbing today"
"Today?But tomorrow is Wednesday...a school day"
Yang:"I get drunk every day and I still go to school"
"What about the weekend?We could go on Friday then we can go sleep at my place...on weekends my mom goes to another country to take care of patients and she sleeps there the whole three days...what do you say?"
The boys look at eachother with intreat
Jaemin:"can me and Jeno have our own room?"
"We have two guest rooms,my room and my mom's room"
Jaemin:"which one is the most sound proof?"he smirks
Renjun:"for fucks sake,you aren't gonna fuck at someone else's place"
Hyuck:"that's just disgusting"
"Uhm...well I'm not taking any risks so the room right at the entrance is sound proof"
Jaemin:"good,we'll take that one"
Yang:"you guys are disgusting"
Jeno:"how's your girlfriend doing?"he shoots at him
Yang:"Piss off"
The people the table all laugh at their 'argument' since it's obvious they were joking

"How about we go to a cafe today?"
Yang:"wait...don't you have to study?"
He gets a hard smack from Haechan
"I never study...why would I,I already know everything"
Jeno:"you could help Hyuck out with his studies since he's already failing"
The girl looks at Haechan confused
"The only tests we've already had were math,English,history and sports"
Hyuck:"I got an A in sports"
Jeno:"and an F at everything else"
"I could help you,if you want?"
Hyuck:"oh's no use"
Renjun:"could you maybe convince Irene into help me with my grades as well?"
"What are your grades?"
Renjun:"I have a B in sports,D in English and F on the other two"
The female sighs
"If she'll talk to me,but I don't think she likes you guys one bit"
Jeno:"we're used to it"
Hyuck:"there were loads of girls who wanted to report us"
Renjun:"and try to make us stop doing what we're doing"
"...I won't do that"
The males,once again,got shocked
Renjun:"you won't?"
"Why would's your life..."
Hyuck:"well sugar...let's go get some coffee"he smiles and everyone stands up heading to their lockers so they can go to the cafe

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