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(The thing for perfect memory was made up of you still couldn't tell...it's just for fiction)

Baek:"would you stop smoking INSIDE MY CAR!!?!!"
Baek:"excuse me I'm a MAN"
"You're hot but quite femi-"
Baek:"don't you dare finish that sentance"
"Jezz fine"

A very intense ride,right?The female was almost having an attack due to the lack of smoke and guy smells.Well...sweat

Hyuck:"can you please just shut up,we're almost there"
"You ain't my dad,bitch"
Hyuck:"I can be your daddy baby girl.Just drop the attitude and I'm all yours"he whispers in her ear
And her heart beat did increase again.
She looks at Haechan with a red face and shocked eyes.
Hyuck:"glad you're back"he smiles cutely to her
"I'm still confused"he takes her hand and starts caressing it
Hyuck:"you'll understand soon.We will too"
"You also don't know?"
Hyuck:"not fully"
She just pouts and nods
Hyuck:"why did I have to fall for the good you.Now I don't like the bad version"he says quietly hoping no one hears him,but that didn't quite work out
Jeno:"yo man...it's fine...the doctor will explain why this is happening and fix it"
Hyuck:"man what should I do if she's not back to her true self"
Jeno:"Just try and be nice to her.Maybe she'll soften a bit"
Hyuck:"yeah...hope so"
He looks down only to see his hand harshly grabbed and well...thrown back at him?
The new Y/N's back again...


Baek:"and we don't know what happened and what to do"
Doc:"I'll do some tests and look at her record then I'll get back with you...you may leave her"
And everyone left the office except for Y/N,of course

After some tests and reads,he finally spoke up
Doc:"so...how are you feeling?"
"Like I'm being forced into living"
Doc:"how's your head??"
"Well it does hurt but I can take it"
Doc:"no,actually you can't..."
"Huh?What do you mean?"
Doc:"you have perfect memory Y/N...that means your brain is more vulnerable and easily get damaged."
"Huh?What are you saying?This is all just bullshit.No way I have some type of brain damage for fucks sake!!This is just some lame crappy joke and if you guys think you're funny YOU FOR SURE AREN'T!"
The girl bursts out but the doctor remained calm.
He called the people back in so they can finally understand what's going in with the female.

Doc:"please listen carefully"
Irene:"is it bad?"
Doc:"I'm sure you know perfect memory is one of the rarest conditions.And the brain has certain specialities.Like for instance...when the person hears something,they remember it for at least 50 years.Also,they can notice a certain change in a room for even a centimetre.They can also hide their secrets very well.But their emotions are easily shown on their faces.They are patient or calm and will always help someone out for the smallest thing.Now let me tell you some facts about alcohol.Alcohol is known to be very dangerous.It is the cause of 89% of death all around the world.It's usually being drank when someone is feeling sad or angry or hurt or betrayed.Basically for the not so great emotions.It can also be drunk for happy occasions,but there is normaly only champagne or beer,which don't contain that much alcohol.The drink can be even be added to food but it only gives off the aroma and a little burn to the food,hence the bad chemicals fade away.Alcohol can also make you forget-the reason why most people drink it.First it affects your stomach,then slowly ignores every part of your body,except for the brain.Now I think you know it makes you do things you want to without fear,but it's different for the brain that can remember anything.This is what happened to your female....When the liquid came into her body,her brain stopped.When it did stop,her heart beat slowed down and it caused her to turn her personality completely around.The people she loves the most will get the harshest treatment.Ignoring,yelling at you,pushing you away,not letting you explain anything.But she can return to her old self when her heart beat increases.I am sure she loves you deeply bcs her heart beat increases only with your kiss.She can be back to her normal self untill her heartbeat goes back to the slower version.In short terms,her personality changed completely bcs of her fragile brain,causing her hearbeat to slow down dramatically and can only get back to her old,original self,when it speeds up"

All of their mouths are wide open and are all just carefully listening to the doctor.
Baek:"and how can we get her back to her old self?"
Doc:"As I said,she goes back to normal when her heart beat goes back to normal as well...so try and make her as comfortable around you as possible and make her feel loved...or like the teenagers would say....make her soft"he finishes off with a small smile
Baek:"thank you doc....we are very grateful"
Doc:"call me every two weeks,tell me what you have done and if you succeeded or not...I'll try to give you some tips every time you call but please understand,I have never had this problem in my section"
Renjun:"what do you mean?"
Doc:"my specialty is mental health and weight loss,that's why Y/N was signed here...she struggled with anorexia and depression from quite a young age...sadly,I think she will be harder to cute due to those two...."
Hyuck:"we're going to do anything that we can"
Even if it means we'll have to suffer for you

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