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13:42 in the evening...
It's the time Y/N woke up...this feels weird...
She looks down at her clothes and sees she wearing her pink pajamas
"Why the fuck is this on me?!!"she yells angrily and quickly runs to her wardrobe
"Why is there so bright colors in here?!!It's gross!"
Something is deffinetly wrong
Hyuck:"Y/N...you okay?"
"What the fuck do you think?"she spat
Hyuck:"are you okay?"he looks confused
"I'm fine but what the fuck are these colors?"
"It's disgusting"she says and grabs everything she didn't like and threw it in a box.

She decides what to wear as well while Haechan was just staring at her confused...
Hyuck:"is she already changed??This fast?"

The female walked out of the bathroom and her outfit made Haechan shiver

The female walked out of the bathroom and her outfit made Haechan shiver

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Hyuck:"what did I do?"

Short update!Sorry but I couldn't think of a longer one for this.But yes...How do you guys like the story so far?Is it interesting enough?Should I change anything?I hope this new Y/N won't make you leave buy read on to see how Haechan will react...
Thank you for reading and rememberer that you're loved and appreciated.Thank you💝💝

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