Park Chanyeol

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Park Chanyeol.Irene's ex-boyfriend.And a fucked up person.
Chanyeol:"hello there Y/N"he smirks
Hyuck:"who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?"he walks in front of the scared female in a protective matter,making her blush just slightly
Chanyeol:"oh the poor girl has friends?"
Jeno:"hell yeah she has friends and you better watch what you're saying to them"he looks at the tall male dead in the eyes
Chanyeol:"I like you guys...You could join my gang"
Jeno:"mine's good already,thanks"he spat
He's in a gang?!??!?!??!!??
Chanyeol:"scary and loyal...that's a keeper"
Hyuck:"what do you want?"
Chanyeol:"her best friend"he smirks
The female got mad at the response
"You had your chance you dick!"
Chanyeol:"don't raise your voice at me missy.I could easily kill you instead of her"
Jeno:"you're not killing anyone and you will stay away from both of the females"
Chanyeol:"what if I don't?"he says with an evil smirk
Jeno:"you'll be dealing with me"hw says so scarily,making everyone shiver
Jaemin:"b-babe,you're scaring us"
But the latter ignores his boyfriend's words,still looking at the giant deadly
Chanyeol:"you want to try it out?"
Jeno:"Any time.Any place."

While the two males were eye killing eachother,the female was being protected in a weird way
Haechan was hugging her,with her face burried in his chest
Hyuck:"it's okay,don't worry...he's got this"
Was all the male could say
Inside he was asking himself why the hell am I doing this??But it felt so good,he didn't want to let her go.
Chanyeol:"you better watch yourself missy...and your little Irene as well"
Renjun:"leave the girls alone"he says bitterly
Chanyeol:"oh,the tiny one speaks"
Renjun:"the consequences won't be tiny tho.So watch youself bcs we are way scarier than we look...except for Jeno...he's even scarier than now"
Chanyeol:"you guys are very loyal people...and it's very admirable...but her friend is going down"
"Leave Irene alone!"she says between sobs
Chanyeol:"after that bitch got me expelled,got me into prison and made me pay for a new car,she doesn't sleep without knowing I'm after her...I almost got her yesterday but she got away...when I get my chance....she's gone"
The female shivers,still in Haechan's embrace

Chanyeol:"you're free to go...for now"he says with his deep voice and after that he turns around,walking away slowly

Hyuck:"who's that guy?"
"H-he's Park Chanyeol.Irene's ex-boyfriend.He cheated on Irene and she was so pissed,she filmed him selling some drugs and making deals and showed the school,getting him expelled.Since the school was in such shock they reported him to the police...apparently,he got out of jail not long ago....he always threatened Irene and yesterday he almost got her.She ran to my place and stayed at mine..."
Renjun:"is she okay?"
Yang:"why do you care?"
Jaemin:"cuz she's his future wife,now...JENO.WE TALKED ABOUT THIS"
The couple was having a starring contest in which Jeno won
Jaemin:"babe you need to control yourself...and you just gave away you were in a gang to a gang leader...STUPID"
Jeno:"It's not my fault I'm actually loyal"
Hyuck:"oh no"
Was what only Y/N could hear since she was,still in his embrace,blushing like crazy
Jaemin:"what do you mean by that?"his pupils were shaky and was waiting for his answer
Y/N was so confused and so was everyone except Haechan
Jaemin:"why do you think that?Do you have proof?"
Jeno:"If you haven't noticed I'M NOT DUMB.YOU CAME TO SCHOOL WITH A HICKEY I NEVER GAVE YOU!!YOU WERE HIDING IT AND WHEN I HAD THAT STARING CONTEST WITH THE GIANT DUDE I HAD AN IDEA...when did I last give you a hickey?And then you said no.calm down.When YangYang was drunk yesterday you told him that...and he worked...You took him to your room...and that's when it happened"
He looked down
Jeno:"I love you so much and this is what you do?"
Jaemin was full of shame...He knew he was going to figure it out sooner or later...but he wanted it to be later when he would have told him
Jeno:"fuck this.I'm going to the club"
He walks away from everyone angrily
Hyuck:"what you two did was not right and you seriously fucked up Jaemin...If you can find a way to fix this,I suggest you do it fast or else you're over"
His words hurt Jaemin
He knows what he did was wrong but when you're under the influence of young hormones,cigarettes and vodka you don't exactly think normaly
It was silent.
No one said a word.
After some time Haechan finally got to his senses and let go of Y/N
"No it's okay...thank you"she gives him a sad smile
Hyuck:"let's bring you home"
The female just nods and starts walking
Hyuck:"we can go alone guys...see you at school"
The group parts ways but one was confused

Jaemin:"should I go to the club or our house?"

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